Kill 'em All

Kill 'em All 2017


Po množičnem streljanju pride v lokalno bolnišnico skrivnostni neznanec, ki je na robu smrti. Za njim vdre tuja tolpa, da bi ga ulovila. Medicinska sestra, edina preživela priča streljanja, se mora soočiti z zaslišanjem pri FBI, ki razkrije zaroto mednarodnih spletk in maščevanja.


Tujci: Nočni plen

Tujci: Nočni plen 2018


Nadaljevanje uspešne grozljivke Tujci (The Strangers) iz leta 2008. V središču zgodbe je štiričlanska družina, ki se zaradi denarne stiske preseli v osamljeno in zapuščeno naselje prikolic. Kmalu zatem se nad njimi začne izživljati trojica neznancev in jih primora v boj za preživetje.



Srečno 2021


Po 14 letih srečnega, strastnega zakona sta Tom (Joel McHale) in Janet (Kerry Bishé) še vedno zaljubljena kot prvi dan. Ko ugotovita, da gre njuno nenehno javno izkazovanje naklonjenosti prijateljem na živce, se začneta spraševati o resnični zvestobi vseh znancev in svojcev. Obisk skrivnostnega neznanca (Stephen Root) ju pahne v eksistenčno krizo, razkrije truplo ter prinese veliko vprašanj in nazadnje napet izlet s prijatelji, ki morda sploh niso pravi prijatelji.


The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power 2022


Beginning in a time of relative peace, we follow an ensemble cast of characters as they confront the re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.


Storm of the Century

Storm of the Century 1999


When a blizzard hits an isolated island town it brings with it a mysterious stranger intent on terrorizing the people for a sinister purpose.


Smiling  Matryoshka

Smiling Matryoshka 2024


Ichiro Seike (Sho Sakurai) is a popular, 43 year old politician. He has gained popularity for his impressive smile and liberal speech and behavior. He is expected to be a future prime minster candidate. He has a secretary, Toshiya Suzuki (Tetsuji Tamayama), who carefully works to guide him to the prime minister position. They look like a perfect match as a politician and his secretary, but Reporter Kanae Michiura (Asami Mizukawa) feels something is off about the relationship of these two. She begins to investigate their past and notices the mysterious deaths that have followed Ichiro Seike during his rise in politics. Her own father's death, who was also a reporter, is somehow connected to the politician's past.


The Look-See

The Look-See 2017


A tragic event draws a group of troubled people together, bonded by their shared pasts and dirty secrets. However, one by one they are visited by a demonic entity known as the Look-See, which forces them to confront their grief and trauma, or suffer a gruesome fate...