Dedek uide z vajeti

Dedek uide z vajeti 2016


Robert De Niro in Zac Efron v odbiti komediji o dedku, ki svojega vnuka prepriča, da ga odpelje na Florido , kjer se namerava udeležiti divjih študentskih zabav.


Italijanska misija

Italijanska misija 2003


Načrt je bil brezhiben, izpeljan do popolnosti in imeli so jasno pot pobega. Edini dejavnik tveganja, ki ga glavni kriminalni um Charlie Croker ni mogel preprečiti, je prišel od enega od članov tolpe, ki so ga sestavljali njegov notranji mož Steve, računalniški genij Lyle, voznik Rob, strokovnjak za eksplozive "Levo uho" in veteran John-Bridger . Potem ko sta v močno varovanem beneškem palazzu udarila osupljiv milijon dolarjevski udarec, sta Charlie in tolpa šokirana, ko sta ugotovila, da ju je izdal eden od njih. Zdaj ne gre več za plen, ampak za maščevanje. Potem na sceno stopi lepa Stella, strokovnjakinja, ki se pridruži Charlieju in tolpi, ko se vrnejo v Kalifornijo v iskanju izdajalca.


Bad Obsession Motorsport - Project Binky

Bad Obsession Motorsport - Project Binky 2013


In the first episode of Project Binky, we take a rotten old Austin Mini and strip it down to a bare shell. We then take an angle grinder to it and cut it to pieces. It's only then that the customised rebuilding process starts. We're trying to create one of the fastest Minis on the planet. We're going to rebuild it with the engine and running gear from a Toyota Celica ST185 GT4. Or at least that's the plan. Whether it comes off or not is another matter. We're filming this as it happens so what you see is only a few weeks behind where we're actually at so we're not sure yet whether we can do it. That's kind of the fun though. Stick with us through the highs and the lows of the project. Hopefully it'll be worth the agony and cash. Feel free to share it far and wide!