Nenavaden primer Banjamina Buttona

Nenavaden primer Banjamina Buttona 2008


Benjamin se rodi kot star gospod in skozi svoje življenje postaja vedno mlajši, tako telesno kot osebnostno. Ljudje se do njega obnašajo telesni starosti primerno, ne glede na njegove življenjske izkušnje. Benjamin doživi veliko dogodivščin, se zaljubi v življenje in se hkrati počuti osamljenega, saj nihče ne ve za njegov specifičen način odraščanja.



Tár 2022


Film se dogaja v mednarodnem svetu zahodne klasične glasbe in se osredotoča na kontraverzno Lydijo Tár, ki velja za eno največjih živečih skladateljev in dirigentov ter prvo žensko glasbeno direktorico velikega nemškega orkestra. Lydia je le nekaj dni oddaljena od snemanja simfonije, ki bo dvignila njeno kariero. Ko se zdi, da so se vsi elementi zarotili proti njej, postane Lydijina posvojena hčerka Petra nepogrešljiva čustvena podpora svoji mami v težavah.


Weird: Zgodba o Alu Yankovicu

Weird: Zgodba o Alu Yankovicu 2022


Film je komična biografija o turbulentnem življenju glasbenika Ala Yankovica. Ameriški pevec je svojo profesionalno pot začel s parodijami pesmi Like a Surgeon in Eat It, k njegovi slavi pa so pripomogle tudi vroče ljubezenske afere s slavnimi in izprijen življenski slog. Resnično neverjetno popotovanje skozi Yankovicevo življenje in kariero od nadarjenega čudežnega otroka do velike glasbene legende.


Aline, moč ljubezni

Aline, moč ljubezni 2020


Biografski film o Celine Dion, dekletu rojenem v Quebecu v Kanadi, ki je z leti postala svetovno znana pevska zvezda. V prvem delu filma smo priča njenemu odraščanju, nato sledijo leta svetovnega glasbenega preboja, ki se začne v sedemdesetih in traja vsa devetdeseta leta prejšnjega stoletja. V filmski biografiji se prepleta tudi privlačna ljubezenska zgodba med Celine in njenim starejšim managerjem. Film je režirala Valerie Lemercier, samooklicana oboževalka Dionove, ki je svoj poklon pevki namenila v svetovnem podnaslovu filma - Moč ljubezni.



Reign 2013


Mary, Queen of Scots, faces political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court.


Cris Miró (She|Her|Hers)

Cris Miró (She|Her|Hers) 2024


Cris Miró's journey as Argentina's first trans vedette in 1995, shedding light on the trans community. Despite challenges, she embraced her true self until her untimely passing, leaving a legacy of inspiration and acceptance


Succession War

Succession War 2018


This drama Succession War is about the rise and fall of dynasties and the changing of sovereigns are dictated by the Mandate of Heaven. Ruco Chan dominates the court, with power in his hands and wealth that rivals the nation. He is an minister that is closer to imperial power than the Emperor! Emperor Shaun Tam has the title, but no power; he falls victim to the times. He is a ruler that is further from power thanordinary citizens! Within 28 days, a battle between power and righteousness. Ultimately, will man prevail over the heavens, or is the Mandate of Heaven not to be violated?


Luis Miguel: The Series

Luis Miguel: The Series 2018


The series dramatizes the life story of Mexican superstar singer Luis Miguel, who has captivated audiences in Latin America and beyond for decades.


Dime Quién Soy: Mistress of War

Dime Quién Soy: Mistress of War 2020


Amelia Garayoa gives up a comfortable life in her fight for freedom, becoming swept up in the greatest conflicts of the 20th century.


Pirates: Behind the Legends

Pirates: Behind the Legends 2024


From legendary John Ward, immortalized in fiction as Jack Sparrow, and English explorer Francis Drake; branded Pirates by their enemies but heroes by their comrades, to the notorious Pirates of the Caribbean shrouded in myth.


Heimat II: A Chronicle of a Generation

Heimat II: A Chronicle of a Generation 1993


The movie consist of 13 separate episodes each handling a period between 1960 and 1970. It tells the story of a group of people in Munich (mostly music and film students). The movie tells a story in many different levels about love, friendship, misfortune, loss, art, politics, history with important historic events of the decennium in the background.


Juana Inés

Juana Inés 2016


She was a self-taught scholar and a nun. And she refused to apologize for being a woman born into a man's world.



Malinche 2018


The story of Marina, Malintzin or Malinche - as she came to be known - the native interpreter of conquistador Hernán Cortés.