Naključni morilec

Naključni morilec 2024


Po neverjetni resnični zgodbi. Gary je resnobni profesor filozofije, ki študentom predava o teoriji morale, v prostem času pa za neworleanško policijo igra vlogo plačanega morilca. Neobičajno nadarjen za vživljanje v različne like nastavlja past nesrečnikom, ki upajo, da se bodo znebili nezvestega zakonca ali zlobnega šefa. Nekega dne pa se znajde na moralno vprašljivem terenu, ko se zaplete v vročo romanco z eno od potencialnih zločink, lepo mladenko po imenu Madison…


Harry Potter in Feniksov red

Harry Potter in Feniksov red 2007


Harry Potter se vrne na Bradavičarko v peti razred, kjer je postavljen pred svoj največji izziv doslej.


Dobri Will Hunting

Dobri Will Hunting 1997


Drama spremlja uporniškega mladeniča Willa Huntinga, ki kot hišnik dela na slovitem inštitutu MIT, čeprav ima fotografski spomin in je matematični genij. Kot gradbenik dela in živi v južnem Bostonu skupaj s prijatelji iz otroštva, posebej s prostodušnim Chuckiejem. V študentskem naselju spozna čedno, inteligentno britansko študentko Skylar in med njima se začne razvijati ljubezen. Univerzitetni profesor in nekdanji državni matematični prvak Lambeau nekoč pripravi poseben izziv za svoje študente: na hodnik pred učilnico razobesi zahtevno matematično nalogo in kdor bi jo pravilno rešil, naj bi imel zagotovljeno oceno pri njegovem predmetu. Will skrivaj opravi preizkušnjo in Lambeau se postopoma dokoplje do briljantnega avtorja pravilne rešitve.



Uničenje 2018


Zgodba sledi mladi biologinji, ki se odpravi na lov za svojim pogrešanim soprogom. Pot jo zanese na skrivnostno območje, kjer se sreča s pojavi in silami, ki jo presenetijo in na katere ni pripravljena. Na njeni misiji se ji pridružijo še antropolog, psiholog in raziskovalec.


Umor na Orient ekspresu

Umor na Orient ekspresu 2017


Film Umor na Orient ekspresu je nastal po istoimenskem romanu "kraljice kriminalk” Agathe Christie, z glavnim likom Herculom Poirotom. Hercule Poirot je na Orient ekspresu, kjer prepozna dobrega prijatelja. Zaradi snega so po dveh nočeh po Istanbulu obtičali na Balkanu. Naslednje jutro najdejo Samuela Edwarda Ratchetta zabodenega (z 12 vbodi z nožem) v njegovem kupeju. Na vlaku je bilo s Poirotom 13 oseb, ki nimajo na videz ničesar skupnega, kar pa se spremeni, ko odkrijejo pravi identiteto umorjenega in večine drugih na vlaku.


Čudoviti um

Čudoviti um 2001


Film režiserja Rona Howarda prinaša resnično zgodbo o matematičnem geniju Johnu Forbesu Nashu ml. Popelje nas v leto 1947, ko pride mladi Nash študirat na univerzo Princeton na podiplomski študij matematike. Kmalu razvije razpravo o teoriji tekmovanja, ki predrzno izpodbija uveljavljeno doktrino Adama Smitha, očeta sodobne ekonomije. V času hladne vojne s Sovjetsko zvezo mu skrivnostni William Parcher naloži strogo zaupno nalogo: dešifriranje sovražnikovih kod. Tako začne Nash delati za vlado, obenem pa spozna lepo in izjemno bistro študentko fizike Alicio Larde. Ko Nash zboli za paranoično shizofrenijo, ga Alicia spodbudi, naj se začne boriti z neozdravljivo boleznijo. Po letih boja je Nash v resnici premagal tragedijo in naposled prejel Nobelovo nagrado.


Sanjski scenarij

Sanjski scenarij 2023


Nesrečnemu družinskemu človeku Paulu Matthewsu se življenje postavi na glavo, ko ga milijoni neznancev nenadoma začnejo videvati v svojih sanjah. A ko se njegovi nočni nastopi spremenijo v nočno moro, je Paul prisiljen krmariti s svojo novo odkrito zvezdniško slavo.


The Man from Earth

The Man from Earth 2007


Nenapovedana poslovilna zabava profesorja Johna Oldmana postane skrivnostno zaslišanje. Po upokojitvi učenjak razkrije svojim kolegom, da ima daljšo in skrivnostnejšo zgodovino, kot si jo lahko predstavljajo.



Kvartopirec 2014


Jim Bennett (Mark Wahlberg) je z igrami na srečo zasvojeni profesor angleščine, čigar kvartopirski dolgovi so vrtoglavi. Da bi se enkrat za vselej znebil nenehne grožnje izterjevalcev, si izposodi denar od gangsterja (Michael Kenneth Williams) ter zanj zastavi lastno življenje. Bennett, ki je vselej korak pred drugimi, svojega posojilodajalca spravi v nemilost vplivnega lastnika nelegalne mreže iger na srečo in mimogrede pri tem zakoliči patološki odnos s svojo premožno materjo (Jessica Lange). V kvartopirskem podzemlju nezakonitih stav je tudi tveganje skrajno; Bennett pa s svojo nepremišljenostjo nazadnje pritegne očetovsko pozornost oderuškega posojilodajalca Franka (John Goodman), ki ga skrbi za njegovo prihodnost. Medtem ko se v neprimerni zvezi zbliža s svojo študentko (Brie Larson), mora Bennett igrati na vse ali nič, da bi lahko dobil priložnost za odrešitev.



21 2008



Money Heist

Money Heist 2017


To carry out the biggest heist in history, a mysterious man called The Professor recruits a band of eight robbers who have a single characteristic: none of them has anything to lose. Five months of seclusion - memorizing every step, every detail, every probability - culminate in eleven days locked up in the National Coinage and Stamp Factory of Spain, surrounded by police forces and with dozens of hostages in their power, to find out whether their suicide wager will lead to everything or nothing.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


Doctor Slump

Doctor Slump 2024


Once rivals in school, two brilliant doctors reunite by chance — each facing life’s worst slump and unexpectedly finding solace in each other.


Professor T

Professor T 2021


Professor Jasper Tempest, a genius Cambridge University criminologist with OCD and an overbearing mother, advises the police. British version of the Belgian crime drama of the same name.


Blood Free

Blood Free 2024


After diving down a rabbit hole of tangled leads, a former bodyguard finds himself recruited to protect the CEO of a controversial lab-grown meat company who is also a survivor of the fateful attack that changed his life.


It's Not Rocket Science!

It's Not Rocket Science! 1993


C'est pas sorcier is a French educational television program that originally aired from November 5, 1994 to present.


Felix the Cat

Felix the Cat 1958


Felix the Cat follows the offbeat adventures of that curious feline, Felix. Although he was quickly overshadowed by Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, America's favorite cat still remains a classic.


Remarriage & Desires

Remarriage & Desires 2022


Through an exclusive matchmaking agency, women strive to marry a desirable bachelor and into the highest echelon of society.


The Drug Hunter

The Drug Hunter 2018


An educated chemical engineer becomes an undercover officer against drug dealers.


Why Her?

Why Her? 2022


A painful but exciting story of Oh Soo-jae, a cold lawyer who has become empty while pursuing only success, and Gong Chan, a law school student who is not afraid of anything to protect her.


Get Married or Not

Get Married or Not 2020


Tells about the love life of a woman aged over 35 years and has decided not to want to get married. His friend who is none other than the powerhouse of the company and owner of the beauty salon trapped between rescuers and applicants.


Rose Red

Rose Red 2002


Dr. Joyce Reardon, a psychology professor, commissions a team of psychics and a gifted autistic girl to find out the truth about an old, supposedly haunted mansion called Rose Red.


Interviews with Monster Girls

Interviews with Monster Girls 2017


The story takes place in an age where "Ajin" (demi-human), more casually known as "Demi," have slowly started to become accepted into human society. Tetsuo Takahashi is a biology teacher who ends up teaching three such Demi, hoping to understand more about them while also managing to catch their attention.


Brother's Keeper

Brother's Keeper 1998


Widower and professor Porter Waide has his life turned upside down with the arrival of his football player brother, Bobby, who's gotten into so much trouble that he's been contracted to live with a responsible relative. This move also disrupts the lives of Porter's impressionable son, Oscar, and Bobby's perpetually annoyed agent, Dena.


A Very Peculiar Practice

A Very Peculiar Practice 1986


A young and idealistic Doctor Stephen Daker arrives at Lowlands University to work at the Health Centre, but has to cope with an eccentric set of colleagues.


The Chair

The Chair 2021


At a major university, the first woman of color to become chair tries to meet the dizzying demands and high expectations of a failing English department.


Crime Puzzle

Crime Puzzle 2021


"Crime Puzzle" is a story where a criminal psychologist is sent to prison for murdering a political candidate, and the criminal profiler who loses her father to the murder is conducting interviews with the murderer for a case that occurs within the prison. These two used to be lovers just a year ago, until they meet again as a murderer and a criminal profiler, and face the unexpected truth to a series of murders. The thriller focuses on the process of them putting the pieces together, like a puzzle. Adapted from the webtoon "Crime Puzzle" (크라임 퍼즐) by Meen.


Cracow Monsters

Cracow Monsters 2022


A young woman haunted by her past joins a mysterious professor and his group of gifted students who investigate paranormal activity — and fight demons.


Professor T.

Professor T. 2015


Eccentric criminal psychology Professor T is a successful police advisor but his unpredictable nature drives his colleagues crazy. He has a brilliant mind, but also several psychological and neurological disorders which make him a complex and often difficult individual. However, aided by the trusty and understanding Annelies and Daan they form a team of high-powered experts that Antwerp Homicide Department rely on. After Season Two, however, things change radically. This is a thinking person's television series.


RuPaul's Drag U

RuPaul's Drag U 2010


RuPaul and your favorite queens are back! The Dean of Drag has finally opened her "school for girls!" at RuPaul's Drag U, where biological women (the kind who don't have to tuck) undergo extreme transformations...drag queen style.