Brata Super Mario film

Brata Super Mario film 2023


Animirani film temelji na Nintendovi franšizi video iger Mario. Vodovodar po imenu Mario s svojim bratom Luigijem potuje skozi podzemni labirint in poskuša rešiti ujeto princeso.


Za dolar več

Za dolar več 1965


Dva lovca na glave, Mož brez imena in polkovnik Douglas Mortimer, sta sprva ločeno, kasneje pa skupaj na sledi enemu najbolj iskanih ubežnikov Divjega zahoda - zloglasnemu El Indiu. El Indio je neusmiljen in inteligenten človek z dolgo krvavo sledjo številnih umorov, vključno z umorom Mortimerjeve sestre. Da bi se mu približali, lovci skujejo načrt, po katerem naj bi se Monko pridružil tolpi, kar mu tudi uspe, ko enega izmed njenih članov reši iz zapora. Po bančnem ropu se El Indio in druščina skrijejo v oddaljenem obmejnem mestu, kjer se Moškemu brez imena pridruži Mortimer, ki se želi maščevati.


A Good Person

A Good Person 2023


Allisonino življenje se razpade po njeni udeležbi v nesreči s smrtnim izidom. Neverjetno razmerje, ki ga vzpostavi s svojim bodočim svakom, ji pomaga zaživeti življenje, ki ga je vredno živeti.



Klavir 1993


Sredi 19. stoletja se nema Škotinja Ada s hčerko Floro in klavirjem izkrca z ladje na novozelandski obali, da bi se omožila s Stewartom, ki si je soprogo ogledal na daljavo in jo naročil kot kakšno poštno pošiljko. Ko prvič v živo vidi Ado, je zadovoljen z novo pridobitvijo, a ko vidi klavir, naroči, naj se ga posadka znebi, saj mu predstavlja preveliko breme. Klavir, ki je za nemo Ado glavno sredstvo izražanja, pristane pri sosedu Bainesu. Medtem ko Ada obiskuje Bainesa in mu nudi klavirske lekcije, se sosed in nema pianistka predata strastni aferi. Ko njen soprog izve za afero, postane nasilen.


Morilci, tatovi in dve nabiti šibrovki

Morilci, tatovi in dve nabiti šibrovki 1998


Eddy je postopač in šarmer s kvartopirskim talentom. Tri svoje najboljše prijatelje prepriča, da se mu pridružijo na najhitrejši poti do hitrega zaslužka. Prijatelji Eddyja založijo z življenjskimi prihranki in mu tako omogočijo, da sede za kvartopirsko mizo skupaj z zloglasnim gangsterjem Harryjem. Toda Harry kuha staro zamero do Eddyjevega očeta JD-ja. JD je edini, ki je Harryja premagal v igri s kartami in pobral dovolj denarja, da je odprl uspešen lokal. Harry namerava lokal prevzeti, zato Eddyja zmami v kvartopirsko igro, ki je zanj že vnaprej izgubljena. Eddy tako izgubi ves vložek in si nakoplje še pol milijona funtov dolga. V tednu dni mora zbrati denar, sicer mu bo trda predla.


Your Lie in April

Your Lie in April 2014


Kousei Arima was a genius pianist until his mother's sudden death took away his ability to play. Each day was dull for Kousei. But, then he meets a violinist named Kaori Miyazono who has an eccentric playing style. Can the heartfelt sounds of the girl's violin lead the boy to play the piano again?


takt op.Destiny

takt op.Destiny 2021


Music is the light that illuminates people's hearts-- and that "light" was suddenly taken from the world. The world changed the night the black "Kuroya Meteorite" fell. Grotesque monsters known as D2 emerged from the meteorite and began to overrun the land and people. As the D2 were drawn to melodies people played, eventually "music" itself became taboo. However, those who opposed the monsters appeared. They the "Musicart," girls who draw power from music. They possess the great operas and musical scores of humanity history and use them to defeat the D2.


Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol

Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol 2020


A riches-to-rags pianist who loses everything but her smile is guided by twinkling little stars to a small town where she finds hope, home and love.



Upright 2019


When family outcast Lucky Flynn learns that his mother is dying, he decides to drive to the other side of Australia to see her, packing nothing but an upright piano for the journey. But his plans are soon turned upside down when he meets the runaway teenager Meg, who’s dealing with some family demons of her own.


Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart

Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart 2002


Miu Nomura is a 14-year-old 8th-grader who has been playing piano since early childhood. She grows up gradually while her friendship, kinship, and love affairs evolve around her, but those relationships inevitably affect her piano performance.


He Knew He Was Right

He Knew He Was Right 2004


He Knew He Was Right was a 2004 BBC TV adaptation of the Anthony Trollope novel He Knew He Was Right. It was directed by Tom Vaughan.


Childhood Sweethearts Pianist

Childhood Sweethearts Pianist 2019


A love story that follows a girl who can't play the piano well and an old crush who can't seem to stand her music. Through a one in a million chance, the sunny and bright Yang Chu Mo gains admission to the prestigious Xing Chen Music Academy where she meets Mu Liu Nian. Yang Chu Mo recognizes him as the boy next door whom she had a crush on when she was younger. She plays a song for him in an attempt to get him to remember her, but he balks at hearing her music. As it turns out, Yang Chu Mo's piano skills are terribly lacking while Mu Liu Nian has an obsessive-compulsive disorder when it comes to music. Determined to win the prize money for a competition, Yang Chu Mo tries to get Mu Liu Nian to be her partner but he rejects her outright. Nonetheless, Yang Chu Mo decides to relay her feelings through the piano.


Manilow: Music and Passion Live from Las Vegas

Manilow: Music and Passion Live from Las Vegas 2006


Passionate but always personable, Barry Manilow celebrates his 100th performance at the Las Vegas Hilton with a stylish, witty show originally taped in December 2005 for a PBS special.