Generacija pred ekrani

Generacija pred ekrani 2020


Ali zrenje v zaslone povzroča odvisnost in poškoduje človekove možgane? Pametni telefon, televizija, računalnik, igralna konzola in tablični računalnik so postali naši vsakodnevni neizogibni spremljevalci. Odkrili so, da tipični predšolski otrok preživi pred različnimi ekrani od štiri do šest ur na dan. Dokumentarna oddaja gledalce popelje po Evropi, Kitajski in ZDA, predstavi znanstvena dognanja o posledicah izpostavljenosti zaslonom ter loči potrjena dejstva od neresnic.


Godzilla Singular Point

Godzilla Singular Point 2021


Brought together by a mysterious song, a grad student and an engineer lead the fight against an unimaginable force that may spell doom for the world.


Prophets of Science Fiction

Prophets of Science Fiction 2011


The series covers the life and work of leading science fiction authors of the last couple of centuries. It depicts how they predicted and, accordingly, influenced the development of scientific advancements by inspiring many readers to assist in transforming those futuristic visions into everyday reality.


100 Greatest Discoveries

100 Greatest Discoveries 2004


Bill Nye walks viewers through various areas of science to show how far they've come through their beginnings until modern times.


Life from Space

Life from Space 2021


In this two-part series, we take a look at the monumental discoveries underway, specifically surrounding black holes and meteorites. Black holes have been revealed as one of the foundations for the basic conditions of life. Through black holes, life is possible in an infinite number of places in space. We also follow how meteorites brought the basic substances of life to our planet, allowing for its creation. The films describe the latest findings concerning cosmic events in relation to the origin of life, providing a grandiose perspective of what makes life possible.


Secrets of the Lost Ark

Secrets of the Lost Ark 2021


For centuries, explorers have searched for the Bible’s most sacred religious artefacts. One of the most mysterious of these objects is the famed Ark of the Covenant. The gold-plated wooden chest – one of the most instrumental symbols of faith and God's presence – was believed to house the two tablets bearing the Ten Commandments. The Ark’s exact whereabouts has long puzzled scholars. Where did it go? And why has it remained such a mystery?