
Neskončni 2021


Evan McCauley ima veščine, ki se jih nikoli ni naučil in spomine na kraje, ki jih ni nikoli obiskal. Pri samozdravljenju in na robu duševnega zloma mu na pomoč priskoči skrivnostna skupina, ki se imenuje »Neskončni« ter mu razkrije, da so njegovi spomini v bistvu resnični.


Pot v raj

Pot v raj 2022


Diplomat Univerze v Chicagu Wren Butler spremlja svojo najboljšo prijateljico Lily na podiplomski izlet na Bali. Potem, ko se Lily nenadoma odloči, da se bo poročila z domačinom, njeni ločeni starši poskušajo hčerki preprečiti, da bi naredila isto napako, kot sta jo nekoč storila pred 25 leti.



Anna 2013



Kdo dobi psa?

Kdo dobi psa? 2016


Po šestih letih zakona se uspešna zdravnica Olive in simpatični hokejist Clay odločita, da se bosta razšla. Kljub temu, da je njun razhod prijateljski, si oba želita skrbništvo nad psom Wesleyjem, ki ga imata oba zelo rada. Po razsodbi sodnice ju čaka testno obdobje, v katerem bo psihologinja določila, kdo bo dobil skrbništvo, zato se vsak po svojih najboljših močeh poskušata prikupiti tako psihologinji kot tudi kužku. Ali lahko človekov najboljši prijatelj najde način, da ponovno združi svoja lastnika?



P.S. 2004



Sprehod po gozdu

Sprehod po gozdu 2015


Potopisec Bill Bryson se v pokoju odloči za drzen izziv: namesto, da bi užival ob ljubeči in lepi ženi ter veliki in srečni družini, se odloči za pohod po znameniti 3540 km dolgi Apalaški poti, ki ga vodi po neokrnjeni, spektakularni in divji ameriški pokrajini od Georgie do Maina. Potuje s starim prijateljem Stephenom Katzom, s katerim ni govoril že dolgih 40 let. Težava je le v tem, da imata prijatelja drugačne predstave ob besedi dogodivščina.


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 2023


After the party of heroes defeated the Demon King, they restored peace to the land and returned to lives of solitude. Generations pass, and the elven mage Frieren comes face to face with humanity’s mortality. She takes on a new apprentice and promises to fulfill old friends’ dying wishes. Can an elven mind make peace with the nature of life and death? Frieren embarks on her quest to find out.


My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! 2020


Wealthy heiress Catarina Claes is hit in the head with a rock and recovers the memories of her past life. It turns out the world she lives in is the world of the game Fortune Lover, an otome game she was obsessed with in her past life... but she's been cast as the villain character who tries to foil the protagonist's romances!


To Your Eternity

To Your Eternity 2021


In the beginning, an "orb" is cast unto Earth. "It" can do two things: change into the form of the thing that stimulates "it"; and come back to life after death. "It" morphs from orb to rock, then to wolf, and finally to boy, but roams about like a newborn who knows nothing. As a boy, "it" becomes Fushi. Through encounters with human kindness, Fushi not only gains survival skills, but grows as a "person". But his journey is darkened by the inexplicable and destructive enemy Nokker, as well as cruel partings with the people he loves.


Boogiepop Phantom

Boogiepop Phantom 2000


Five years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core and now the rumors have begun once more. Boogiepop... Everyone knows about Boogiepop: meet her one dark night and you are taken. People tell each other the stories and laugh: no one believes that she can possibly exist in this day and age. Still, strange things appear to be going on and the darkness is taking on many forms. Something is out there.