Nesrečna bitja

Nesrečna bitja 2023


Zgodba o fantastični preobrazbi mladenke, ki se osvobojena predsodkov svojega časa zavzema za žensko enakost in svobodo. Mlado Bello Baxter k življenju obudi genialni in ekscentrični znanstvenik dr. Godwin Baxter. Toda lačna znanja in izkušenj Bella pobegne na razburljivo medcelinsko pustolovščino z razuzdanim odvetnikom Duncanom Wedderburnom...


Druzba pravih gospodov

Druzba pravih gospodov 2003


V viktorijanski Angliji hudobni človek zagreši svoja dejanja z namenom, da izzove svetovno vojno. Oblasti bodo skušale to preprečiti s posebnostjo: vsi literarni junaki. Izredno ligo Quatermaina sestavljajo stotnik Nemo, varuhinja Drakula Mina Harker, nevidni človek Rodney Skinner, ameriški agent tajne službe Sawyer, Dorian Gray in dr. Jekyll / g. Hyde. Ligo zaposluje enigmatični M. Člani lige so trmasti individualisti, pravzaprav izobčenci s preteklostmi, v katerih so luči in sence ter edinstvena darila, ki so jim hkrati prinesla veselje in žalost. Zdaj se morajo naučiti zaupati drug drugemu in delati kot ekipa za dobro in upanje civilizacije, z malo priprav in brez časa za zapravljanje.


Muppetki in božična pravljica

Muppetki in božična pravljica 1992


Priredba klasične božične pripovedi izpod peresa Charlesa Dickensa, ki govori o starem stiskaču Ebenezerju Stispuhu. Neko predbožično noč ga obiščejo trije duhovi, da bi mu pokazali božično preteklost, sedanjost in bodočnost.


Daleč od ponorelega sveta

Daleč od ponorelega sveta 2015


Po literarni klasiki "Daleč od ponorelega sveta" britanskega avtorja Thomasa Hardyja posneta zgodba spremlja življenje Bathshebe Everdene (Carey Mulligan); samosvoje, odločne in svobodomiselne mladenke, ki nepričakovano podeduje kmetijo svojega strica. Finančno neodvisna, čedna in trmasta Batsheba se ne podreja strogim načelom pretežno moškega sveta v času viktorijanske Anglije in kljubuje težavam pri vzpostavitvi uspešne pridelovalne dejavnosti. Samozavestna ženska nehote pritegne tri zelo različne snubce; Gabriel Oak (Matthias Schoenaerts) je ovčji pastir, ki ga prevzame njena sproščena narava, Frank Troy (Tom Sturridge) je čedni in razuzdani narednik v kraljevi vojski, William Boldwood (Michael Sheen) pa premožni in skrbni veleposestnik v zrelih letih, ki išče primerno soprogo.


Moriarty the Patriot

Moriarty the Patriot 2020


In the late 19th century, the British Empire nobility reigns while its working class suffers at their hands. Sympathetic to their plight, William James Moriarty wants to topple it all. Frustrated by the systemic inequity, Moriarty strategizes to fix the entire nation. Not even consulting detective Sherlock Holmes can stand in his way. It’s time for crime to revolutionize the world!



Victoria 2016


The story of Queen Victoria, who came to the throne at a time of great economic turbulence and resurgent republicanism – and died 64 years later the head of the largest empire the world had ever seen, having revitalised the throne’s public image and become “grandmother of Europe”.


Carnival Row

Carnival Row 2019


In a mystical and dark city filled with humans, fairies and other creatures, a police detective investigates a series of gruesome murders leveled against the fairy population. During his investigation, the detective becomes the prime suspect and must find the real killer to clear his name.


Miss Scarlet and the Duke

Miss Scarlet and the Duke 2020


When Eliza Scarlet's father dies, he leaves her penniless, but she resolves to continue his detective agency. To operate in a male-dominated world, though, she needs a partner... step forward a detective known as the Duke. Eliza and The Duke strike up a mismatched, fiery relationship as they team up to solve crime in the murkiest depths of 1880’s London.


Princess Principal

Princess Principal 2017


The stage is set during the 19th century London, in its capital where a wall divides the east and west of the Kingdom of Albion. Five high school girls, who enrolled in the prestigious Queens May Fair School, are involved in spy activities that involve disguise, infiltration, car chase, and more. These girls take advantage of their special abilities and fly around the shadow world.


Great Expectations

Great Expectations 2011


The life of an orphan is changed by the providential intervention of a mysterious benefactor.


The Crimson Petal and the White

The Crimson Petal and the White 2011


Follow Sugar into the underbelly of Victorian London seething with vitality, sexuality, ambition and emotion.



Belgravia 2020


A tale of secrets and scandals set in 1840s London. When the Trenchards accept an invitation to the now legendary ball hosted by the Duchess of Richmond on the fateful evening of the Battle of Waterloo, it sets in motion a series of events that will have consequences for decades to come as secrets unravel behind the porticoed doors of London’s grandest postcode.


Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper 1988


Jack the Ripper is a 1988 two-part television film/miniseries portraying a fictionalized account of the hunt for Jack the Ripper, the unidentified serial killer responsible for the Whitechapel murders of 1888. The series coincided with the 100th anniversary of the murders.


Alex Haley's Queen

Alex Haley's Queen 1993


Queen is the story about Easter, the illegitimate daughter of James Jackson, III and her lifelong affair with plantation owner Tim Daly, which would result in the birth of Queen. Queen's story revolves around her early years as a slave who yearns to know who her father is, and her condition as a fair skin mixed race woman who spends her life trying to figure out where exactly she fits in.



Scarlett 1994


Scarlett O’Hara’s flight from the scrutiny of Atlanta society takes her on a journey to Savannah and Charleston, to England, and to Ireland, where she discovers her family's roots.


Year of the Rabbit

Year of the Rabbit 2019


Set in the dark heart of Victorian London, Detective Inspector Rabbit is a hardened booze-hound who's seen it all. Rabbit's been chasing bad guys for as long as he can remember, but these days his heart keeps stopping at inopportune moments.


How the Victorians Built Britain

How the Victorians Built Britain 2018


This series travels the length and breadth of Britain to find out how the Victorians built Britain. It uncovers the incredible and surprising stories behind iconic landmarks; discovers the hidden heroes behind the epic constructions; and finds out how the incredible advances made by the Victorians forged the world we live in today.


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall 1996


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is a 1996 British television serial adaptation of Anne Brontë's novel of the same name, produced by BBC and directed by Mike Barker. The serial stars Tara FitzGerald as Helen Graham, Rupert Graves as her abusive husband Arthur Huntington and Toby Stephens as Gilbert Markham.


Murder Rooms: Mysteries of the Real Sherlock Holmes

Murder Rooms: Mysteries of the Real Sherlock Holmes 2001


If Arthur Conan Doyle based Sherlock Holmes on a real person to any degree, it was on his former professor, forensic pathologist Dr. Joseph Bell. This series recounts the fictional murder investigations that Bell might have undertaken with the assistance of young student Doyle.


Victoria Died in 1901 and is Still Alive Today

Victoria Died in 1901 and is Still Alive Today 2001


Jonathan Meades's personal, entertaining and deliberately provocative journey through Victorian architecture. From fantasy castles to the House of Parliament, he explores the Jekyll-and-Hyde nature of Victorian society, using a combination of comic sketches, dance routines and riotous bad taste. Meades concludes that the British obsession with escapism and the desire to live in the past means Queen Victoria is still very much alive today.