Druzba pravih gospodov

Druzba pravih gospodov 2003


V viktorijanski Angliji hudobni človek zagreši svoja dejanja z namenom, da izzove svetovno vojno. Oblasti bodo skušale to preprečiti s posebnostjo: vsi literarni junaki. Izredno ligo Quatermaina sestavljajo stotnik Nemo, varuhinja Drakula Mina Harker, nevidni človek Rodney Skinner, ameriški agent tajne službe Sawyer, Dorian Gray in dr. Jekyll / g. Hyde. Ligo zaposluje enigmatični M. Člani lige so trmasti individualisti, pravzaprav izobčenci s preteklostmi, v katerih so luči in sence ter edinstvena darila, ki so jim hkrati prinesla veselje in žalost. Zdaj se morajo naučiti zaupati drug drugemu in delati kot ekipa za dobro in upanje civilizacije, z malo priprav in brez časa za zapravljanje.


Moriarty's Perfect Crime

Moriarty's Perfect Crime 2024


“A villainess without blood or tears” James Moriarty, the most fearsome criminal, met his demise after a confrontation with a famous detective at a certain waterfall. He found himself possessed by a beautiful young lady from another world, and what he saw there was the insidious abuse by other noble daughters. He has no memory, but his brain is still the same. He wields the power of his lucid mind and the perfect crime equation to the fullest for the sake of only one girl in a world without a great detective. The bullied young lady dies and is reborn as Moriarty, a villainess without blood or tears.