1992 2024


Leta 1992, sredi nemirnih losangeleških vstaj, ki so sledile sodbi Rodneyja Kinga, si Mercer obupno prizadeva na novo zgraditi svoje življenje in odnos s sinom. Na drugi strani mesta sta oče in sin na preizkušnji v svojem napetem odnosu, ko načrtujeta nevaren rop, da bi iz tovarne, v kateri dela Mercer, ukradla katalizatorje, ki vsebujejo dragoceno platino...


Ameriško leposlovje

Ameriško leposlovje 2023


Pisatelj, ki je naveličan, da se oblast okorišča s "črnsko" industrijo, s psevdonimom napiše knjigo, ki ga popelje v osrčje hipokrizije in norosti, ki naj bi jo preziral.


Usodna nesreča

Usodna nesreča 2005


Gospodinja iz Brentwooda in njen soprog, javni tožilec. Iranec, lastnik trgovine. Policijska detektiva, ki sta hkrati tudi ljubimca. Afro-ameriški TV režiser in njegova soproga. Mehiški ključavničar. Tatova avtomobilov. Policist brez izkušenj. Korejki srednjih let. Vsi so prebivalci Los Angelesa. V naslednjih 36-ih urah se bodo vsi srečali. Provokativen, pogumen pogled na zapletenost rasnih sporov v Ameriki. To je redko filmsko doživetje. Film, ki bo vsakogar prisilil, da se zazre v svoje predsodke. V mešanici ras v Los Angelesu po največjem terorističnem dejanju v zgodovini ZDA ta silna drama raziskuje strah in licemerstvo iz perspektiv likov, ki vstopajo in izstopajo iz življenja enih ali drugih. Na bojišču rasnih sporov ni nihče varen. Nihče ni imun na bes, ki je gonilo nasilja – in ki spreminja življenje. Zabaven, močan in vedno nepredvidljiv. USODNA NESREČA pogumno raziskuje siva področja med črnim in belim, med žrtvijo in napadalcem. Preproste rešitve ni.


Nisem tvoj zamorec

Nisem tvoj zamorec 2017


Leta 1979 si je priznani pisatelj James Baldwin zadal kompleksno nalogo: povedati svojo zgodbo o Ameriki skozi življenja treh umorjenih prijateljev: Malcolma X, Martina Luthra Kinga in Medgarja Eversa. Režiser Raoul Peck je nikoli dokončani rokopis spremenil v silovit kolaž besed, podob in glasbe, ki s pomočjo arhivskih posnetkov Baldwinovih javnih nastopov, pomembnih trenutkov iz ameriške zgodovine ter pomenljivih odlomkov iz hollywoodskih klasik ustvari radikalno in še kako aktualno pripoved o tem, kaj pomeni biti črn v Ameriki. Globoko oseben, ganljiv in poetičen, a kot britev oster filmski esej prikaže Ameriko skozi oči ikone gibanja za pravice temnopoltih, karizmatičnega in vizionarskega Jamesa Baldwina.



13th 2016



Kamen Rider Black Sun

Kamen Rider Black Sun 2022


The year is 2022. It is an era of chaos, half a century after the government announced the coexistence of humans and kaijins. Aoi Izumi, a young human rights activist calling for the elimination of discrimination, meets a man named Kotaro Minami, the one called "Black Sun," who is a candidate for the next Creation King.


I'm a Virgo

I'm a Virgo 2023


A coming-of-age joyride about Cootie, a 13ft tall young Black man in Oakland, CA. Having grown up hidden away, Cootie soon experiences the beauty and contradictions of the world for the first time. He forms friendships, finds love, navigates awkward situations, and encounters his idol, a real life superhero named The Hero.


Amend: The Fight for America

Amend: The Fight for America 2021


When the United States of America was founded, the ideals of freedom and equality did not apply to all people. These are the stories of the brave Americans who fought to right the nation’s wrongs and enshrine the values we hold most dear into the Constitution — with liberty and justice for all.


New Zealand Today

New Zealand Today 2019


New Zealand Today began on Jono And Ben as a parody of click-bait journalism and modern media culture. The segment went on to become its own 'show within a show' and clips have since racked up hundreds of thousands of views online. New Zealand Today takes Guy Williams around the country checking out strange and unusual goings-on in regional New Zealand.


All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace 2011


We have been colonised by the machines we have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers.


Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali 2021


Muhammad Ali brings to life the iconic heavyweight boxing champion who became an inspiration to people everywhere.



Boarders 2024


Brace yourselves - the new kids are here. Five talented black scholarship students, and an elite private school with a reputation problem. One of them will have to change...


Ondergrondse Sporen

Ondergrondse Sporen 2024


Martijn Blekendaal and Finbarr Wilbrink travel along the Underground Railroad, the underground network that helped thousands of enslaved people escape to freedom. They ask themselves: How does the past of slavery impact contemporary life in America?