The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare 2024


Resnična zgodba o tajni britanski organizaciji iz druge svetovne vojne: Special Operations Executive. Ustanovil jo je Winston Churchill, njihovi napadi na nemške sile za bojnimi linijami pa so pomagala spremeniti potek vojne in so botrovali nastanku sodobnih "črnih operacij".



Crew 2024



Moj zločin

Moj zločin 2023


V Parizu tridesetih let prejšnjega stoletja lepo Madeleine, igralko brez denarja in talenta, obtožijo umora slavnega producenta. Toda ob pomoči prijateljice, mlade in brezposelne odvetnice Pauline jo oprostijo, češ da je šlo za samoobrambo. Madeleine začne novo življenje, polno slave in uspehov – dokler ne pride na dan resnica...


Based on a True Story

Based on a True Story 2023


The lives of a realtor, a plumber and a former tennis star unexpectedly collide, exposing America’s obsession with true crime, murder and the slow-close toilet seat.


How to Get to Heaven from Belfast

How to Get to Heaven from Belfast 1970


Three old friends from the Northern Irish capital – Saoirse, Robyn and Dara – are now in their late-thirties and lead very different lives. But when they receive an email informing them of the death of Greta, an old classmate they were once very close with, there’s clearly some unspoken, unfinished business. The trio’s subsequent adventure takes them on a journey across Ireland.