His Three Daughters

His Three Daughters 2024


Napet, ganljiv in komičen portret družinske dinamike spremlja tri odtujene sestre, ki se zberejo v newyorškem stanovanju, da bi skrbele za svojega bolnega očeta v njegovih zadnjih dneh in poskušale popraviti skrhan medsebojni odnos.


Pepelkin božič

Pepelkin božič 2017


Sodobna priredba klasične pravljice vas bo navdušila z božično romantiko. Glavna junakinja je Angie, ki trdo dela in se trudi v stričevem podjetju, vse zasluge pa prevzema njena sestrična Candace. Ko si Angie vzame prost dan, da bi šla na božični ples, ji maska in obleka omogočita, da se sprosti in zabava. Na plesu se ji oko ustavi na Nikolausu, bogatem mladeniču. Preden Angie razkrije, kdo je, zapusti ples, Nikolaus pa začne iskati skrivnostno lepotico.



Lęk 2023



Three Sisters

Three Sisters 2010


Three Sisters is a daily drama about the lives of two generations of three sisters, portraying their relationships and the difficulties they face.


The Starry Love

The Starry Love 2023


The queen of the human tribe gave birth to twin girls. Respected by the entire tribe, the older sister Qing Kui, who is gentle and kind, is betrothed to the heavenly prince. The younger sister, Ye Tan, smart and cunning, shunned by her own people, is betrothed to the demon prince. Due to a mix-up, the two sisters are married off to the wrong husbands. It paves the way for two beautiful romances and also ignites a conspiracy that shakes the four realms.


High Cookie

High Cookie 2023


With just one bite, a mysterious homemade cookie turns dreams into reality, but it takes over the elite high school, and deadly consequences await.


Behind the Revenge

Behind the Revenge 2023


Ponwalai, Yodthian's sister, is Prakob's mistress. He devoted his money and himself to her, but she already had another man. When Prakob finds out, he dies of a heart attack and leaves lots of his assets to Ponwalai, which results in his son Noppharuj being furious at both her and Yodthian. Noppharuj chases after them to get revenge, and Yodthian lets him do whatever he wants because she feels guilty over her sister's actions.