
Bojevnica 2018


Petdesetletna Halla, energična in neodvisna ženska, živi dvojno življenje. Priljubljena vodja pevskega zbora je skrivaj namreč strastna okoljevarstvena aktivistka. Halla, ki jo mediji poznajo le pod vzdevkom »ženska z gore«, povsem sama bije vojno proti lokalni industriji aluminija. A ravno ko se pripravlja na svojo najdrznejšo operacijo, prejme pismo, ki spremeni vse … Film islandskega režiserja Benedikta Erlingssona je zmagovalec LIFFa leta 2018.


Max Manus

Max Manus 2008


Resnična zgodba o sijajnem saboterju med drugo svetovno vojno, in borbo z njegovimi notranjimi demoni.


Wie is de Mol?

Wie is de Mol? 1999


Ten candidates have to complete assignments to earn money. However, one of the group members is the Mole. The Mole's goal is to make the assignments fail and keep the amount of money earned as low as possible. The other candidates do not know who the Mole is and need to unmask them. At the end of every episode, the candidates take a multiple-choice test about the mole's identity. The person who gives the least amount of correct answers is "executed" and must leave. This process continues until only two contestants and the Mole remain. The winner is the person with the most correct answers in the final test and they get all of the money earned in previous stages of the game.


The Mole

The Mole 2001


Players working as a team complete a series of difficult physical and psychological tests, each worth a set amount of money. One of the players, however, is a "Mole" or saboteur, whose goal is to foil the efforts of the other players without revealing his or her identity. At the end of each episode, the group is given a quiz on The Mole's identity. The player who knows the least information about The Mole is then immediately sent home. In the final episode, The Mole is revealed and the one remaining player wins the jackpot, up to $1,000,000.