Hobit: Nepričakovano potovanje

Hobit: Nepričakovano potovanje 2012


Režiser fantazijske sage Gospodar prstanov nas znova popelje v Srednji svet, v čas pred vojnami za prstan Mogote. Mladi hobit Bilbo uživa življenje v mirnem in zakotnem Šajerskem, ko nekega dne na njegova vrata potrka čarovnik Gandalf. S seboj pripelje druščino trinajstih škratov pod vodstvom neustrašnega Thorina, njihov načrt pa je pohod proti Samotni gori, kjer se želijo spopasti z zlobnim zmajem Smaugom. Bilba premaga radovednost in v nasprotju s hobitsko zapečkarsko tradicijo se odpravi na nepozabno dogodivščino s škrati.


Avtomobili 3

Avtomobili 3 2017


Nova generacija neverjetno hitrih dirkačev je legendarnega Lightning McQueena izrinila iz njemu tako ljubega športa. Da bi se vrnil v igro, potrebuje pomoč zagrete mlade tehničarke Cruz Ramirez z njenim izvirnim načrtom, navdih pokojnega Fabulousa Hudson Horneta ter nekaj nepričakovanih zapletov. Da bi dokazal, da #95 še ni odnehal, bo prvak svoje srce pustil na velikem dirkališču Piston Cupa!


V višave

V višave 2009


Življenje 78-letnega upokojenca Karla je vedno potekalo mirno in neopazno, zato se na stara leta odloči uresničiti svoje sanje ter izpolniti dolgoletno obljubo. S pomočjo tisočih balonov, ki jih naveže na svojo hišo, poleti naproti fantastičnim avanturam, a s seboj nevede odnese tudi radovednega tabornika. Čeprav čemerni možakar v mladeniču sprva vidi le nadlego, se nenavadni par počasi spoprijatelji in skupaj se spopadeta z divjimi viharji, spoznata govorečega psa in se soočita z norim znanstvenikom.


Nenavaden primer Banjamina Buttona

Nenavaden primer Banjamina Buttona 2008


Benjamin se rodi kot star gospod in skozi svoje življenje postaja vedno mlajši, tako telesno kot osebnostno. Ljudje se do njega obnašajo telesni starosti primerno, ne glede na njegove življenjske izkušnje. Benjamin doživi veliko dogodivščin, se zaljubi v življenje in se hkrati počuti osamljenega, saj nihče ne ve za njegov specifičen način odraščanja.


Krij mi hrbet

Krij mi hrbet 2017


Genialna akcijska komedija, v kateri sta v glavnih vlogah izjemna Samuel L. Jackson in Ryan Reynolds. Jackson je najbolj iskani plačani morilec na svetu, vrhunski agent pa ima nalogo, da ga zaščiti. Seveda pa ne gre nič po načrtu. Jackson je namreč njegov zapriseženi nasprotnik. Leta sta se gledala prek svojih pištol, zdaj pa morata sodelovati, kar pripelje do neverjetne dirke z avtomobili, bizarne ladijske eskapade in srečanje z neusmiljenim krvi željnim vzhodnoevropskim diktatorjem.


Downton Abbey: Nova doba

Downton Abbey: Nova doba 2022


Težko pričakovana cinematična vrnitev globalnega fenomena ponovno združuje ljubljeno igralsko zasedbo, ko se odpravijo na veliko potovanje na jug Francije, da bi odkrili skrivnost novo podedovane vile grofice Dowager. Nova filmska epizoda o premožni družini Crawley in njihovih služabnikih na posestvu na angleškem podeželju v začetku 20. stoletja. Potem ko so v goste sprejeli kralja in kraljico, se bo tokrat priljubljena družina odpravila na jug Francije, da bi odkrila skrivnost podedovane vile.


Čudež na reki Hudson

Čudež na reki Hudson 2016


Režiser z oskarji nagrajenih dram Ostrostrelec, Punčka za milijon dolarjev in Skrivnostna reka predstavlja zgodbo pilota Chesleya Sullenbergerja, ki je po okvari motorjev leta 2009 zaslovel s herojskim pristankom na reki Hudson sredi New Yorka. Čeprav izkušeni Sully kljub neznatnim možnostim uspe rešiti vse potnike, se kmalu po nesreči znajde pod drobnogledom zvedavih novinarjev in preiskovalcev. Ker se na preizkušnji znajdejo njegova kariera, družina in ugled, mora Sully spretno krmariti med trenutnimi pričakovanji in odzivi množic ter trdo realnostjo vsakdanjega življenja.


Zena popotnika v casu

Zena popotnika v casu 2009


Knjižničar Henry se je rodil z genetsko napako, zaradi katere neprostovoljno potuje v času. Kljub nenehnemu nepričakovanemu izginjanju se med njim in lepo Clare spletejo romantične vezi, ki ju popeljejo pred oltar. Toda njegova večna odsotnost se skozi letaizkaže za hudo breme in težak preizkus njune ljubezni, saj se Clare počuti vse bolj osamljeno, njuna povezanost pa bledi z vsakim novim časovnim preskokom.


Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1 1997


The story of Stargate SG-1 begins about a year after the events of the feature film, when the United States government learns that an ancient alien device called the Stargate can access a network of such devices on a multitude of planets. SG-1 is an elite Air Force special operations team, one of more than two dozen teams from Earth who explore the galaxy and defend against alien threats such as the Goa'uld, Replicators, and the Ori.



Pokémon 1997


Join Ash accompanied by his partner Pikachu, as he travels through many regions, meets new friends and faces new challenges on his quest to become a Pokémon Master.


1 Night and 2 Days

1 Night and 2 Days 2007


2 Days & 1 Night is a South Korean reality-variety show with the motto "real wild road variety." Its main concept is to recommend various places of interest that viewers can visit in South Korea.





Aboard the Edens Zero, a lonely boy with the ability to control gravity embarks on an adventure to meet the fabled space goddess known as Mother.


The Amazing Race

The Amazing Race 2001


This reality competition sees teams embark on a trek around the world to amazing destinations where they must compete in a series of challenges, some mental and some physical. Only when the tasks are completed will they learn of their next location. Teams who are the farthest behind will gradually be eliminated as the contest progresses, with the first team to arrive at the final destination winning the race and the $1 million prize.


Echappées Belles

Echappées Belles 2006


Échappées Belles is a French weekly discovery magazine, broadcast on Saturdays in the first part of the evening on France 5 since September 30, 2006. It is presented in turn by Sophie Jovillard, Jérôme Pitorin, Ismaël Khelifa, Tiga, Sabine Quindou, Théo Curin and Anto Cocagne.


Top Gear

Top Gear 2002


This fast-paced and stunt-filled motor show tests whether cars, both mundane and extraordinary, live up to their manufacturers' claims. The long-running show travels to locations around the world, performing extreme stunts and challenges to see what the featured cars are capable of doing. The current hosts are Paddy Mcguinness, Chris Harris and Andrew "Freddie" Flintoff.


Das Traumschiff

Das Traumschiff 1981


The series is about a cruise ship that travels to places around the world.


Yo! Welcome to Korea!

Yo! Welcome to Korea! 2017


This Korean reality vacation show explores the cultural differences of foreigners who are in Korea for the first time through their Korean vacation travel log.


BTS: Bon Voyage

BTS: Bon Voyage 2016


Bon Voyage is a reality show about members of the South Korean group, BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan). It shows them in everyday situations that every traveler encounters and offer a unique insight into the members' lives.


Salty Tour

Salty Tour 2017


Salty Tour is a travel variety program that emphasises on 2 things: Good quality for the price and Small Luxury. For every city/country, 3 of the cast members are assigned as 1-day tour guides and are given the same budget per person. The cast members will attempt to have the best vacation experience with a fixed price limit. The Small Luxury can only be won by the winning tour guide through the judging of the remaining cast members and invited guests for each day tour, in terms of food, places of interest and accommodation.


Delicious Rendezvous

Delicious Rendezvous 2019


Baek Jong Won is here again to help out an industry. This time, he goes all out to promote local food. He visits various regions and learn about their local produce. By creating different meals with these ingredients, Mr. Baek is able to sell them in rest stops. Yang Se Hyeong, Kim Hee Chul, and Kim Dong Jin are here to assist.


New Journey to the West

New Journey to the West 2015


Each member takes one of the characters from the classic Chinese novel “Journey to the West” as they go to different destination every season


The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour 2016


Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are back with a show about adventure, excitement and friendship... as long as you accept that the people you call friends are also the ones you find extremely annoying. Sometimes it's even a show about cars. Follow them on their global adventure.


Fun Abroad: 3D2N

Fun Abroad: 3D2N 2014


Fun Abroad: 3D2N is a tourism project. In the early days, it was characterized by a tight schedule and a high degree of freedom to participate in impromptu activities. It's also focused on getting new owners to try and experience more "firsts."


We Baby Bears

We Baby Bears 2022


Follow Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear – as their younger baby selves – traveling in a magical box to fantastic new worlds searching for a place to call home. Along the way, they meet new friends, learn a few lessons and discover that “home” can mean wherever they are, as long as they’re together.


Happy Traveller

Happy Traveller 2015


A unique travel show that combines selfie filming, POV, drone, social media interaction and more other nowadays filming approaches.


Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown 2013


Bourdain travels across the globe to uncover little-known areas of the world and celebrate diverse cultures by exploring food and dining rituals. Known for his curiosity, candor, and acerbic wit, Bourdain takes viewers off the beaten path of tourist destinations – including some war-torn parts of the world – and meets with a variety of local citizens to offer a window into their lifestyles, and occasionally communes with an internationally lauded chef on his journeys.


Journeys in Japan

Journeys in Japan 2010


Journeys in Japan provides an eye-opening look at the many unique places to visit in Japan. English-speaking visitors travel the length of the country, exploring the culture, meeting the local people, visiting historic sites and offering travel hints rarely found in guidebooks.