The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 1910


An early version of the classic, based more on the 1902 stage musical than on the original novel.


The Ex-Convict

The Ex-Convict 1913


Wilbur Stone is falsely accused of a crime, convicted on circumstantial evidence and "railroaded" to the penitentiary. As an odd coincidence. Frank Fink, a hardened degenerate, is sent up at the same time and he becomes a prison parasite on Stone. Both men are released about the same time.


Getting a Start in Life

Getting a Start in Life 1915


Old Si Spunk is dying, and leaves his shack and acres in Montana to Elizabeth Spunk, his niece, in the East. A cowboy finds a photograph of a fierce looking old maid with the name "Elizabeth Spunk" on the back. Thinking this is the niece, Tom and Jerry, two of the cowboys, hit upon an idea to drive her out of the country.


Pierre of the North

Pierre of the North 1913


Pierre and Baptiste, French-Canadian half-breed trappers, are enamored of Mary, the factor's daughter. Both men propose to the girl, both are refused. Baptiste, mad with jealous rage, abducts the girl and carries her off to a lonely cabin in the wilderness. She defies him, throws his proffered ring at him and is chained to the floor to change her mind.


With the Aid of the Law

With the Aid of the Law 1915


Lee Russell, a young business man, leaves the city for a vacation sojourn in the mountains. Jeff Smith and Joe Butler run a moonshine still in the mountains and Jeff is in love with Butler's daughter, Rose, but the love is not returned. Lee Russell, seen near the still by Jeff and Butler, is shot by Jeff and wounded.


The Warrior Maid

The Warrior Maid 1914


Kathlyn and her sister, Winnie, have hardly disappeared through the trap leading from the big animal cage to the tunnel that had been burrowed beneath, than the hungry and frenzied lions that were in the arena swarmed onto the stage and began clawing at the trap, excited to ferocity by the fresh scent of human beings.


The Gold Brick

The Gold Brick 1913


Reporter Jones, a hustler, discovers a gold-brick displayed in a jeweler's window and sees a fine "feature story" in trying to sell this real gold-brick to farmers at $2.00 per.


The Water Rat

The Water Rat 1913


Two young collegians, Anthony Markham, an enigmatic person, and Alan Strange, whose temperament is the direct antithesis of his friend, compete for the honors of swimming. Both men are aspirants for the hand of Rosalie Latimer, the daughter of the banker, Latimer, to whom Alan is the confidential secretary.


The Three Valises

The Three Valises 1912


Jim Allen accidentally finds a valise full of burglars' tools. At the same time he discovers that he has fallen heir to a $10,000 legacy. In order to secure the legacy he must be in a distant city on the following day. Being hard up, he decides to borrow the necessary carfare from his double, an unscrupulous broker named Harrington.


John Dough and the Cherub

John Dough and the Cherub 1910


John Dough gives his assistance in the celebration of the Fourth. No end of trouble results from the invasion of his peaceful rest by the much-despised Miffkits. Then comes the cherub, who introduces Dough to his animal friends, incidentally secures supplies. He then visits the fairies' garden and later interviews the Princess Ozma, who makes a prophecy: "The throne of Lo-Hi shall vacant be until the coming by air or sea of an oven baked man and a Cherub wee." Accordingly John Dough drops into the Land of Oz and meets the Cherub.


To Be Called For

To Be Called For 1914


Silas Brown, a close-fisted country hotel-keeper in Hicksville, has a pretty daughter, Betty, who has a devoted suitor in Otis Perkins, a typical country town boy. The curiosity of Betty is excited by a package marked for Francis King, "to be called for." For three weeks the package remains without a claimant.


Something Good – Negro Kiss (Alternate Version)

Something Good – Negro Kiss (Alternate Version) 1898


Earliest known example of African American intimacy on screen. This version is shot with a wider view and shows more of the vaudeville stylings of Saint Suttle and Gertie Brown and their stage act.


Lost in the Jungle

Lost in the Jungle 1911


Jan Kruga and his daughter Meta live on a farm in the Transvaal. The nearest neighbor, Sir John Morgan, lives 20 miles away, and it is only on rare intervals that she ever goes even that far away from her isolated home. Toddles, a work elephant on her father's farm, is her only pet and in the first part of our story we see her befriend him from a cruel keeper. Hans, a neighboring Boer farmer calls and asks for Meta's hand in marriage. The girl is ordered by her father to accept Hans' attentions. She has been taught to obey and when Hans gives her a love offering, a huge necklace of beads, she meekly offers her cheek for the betrothal kiss. Sir John's nephew, Hirshal, comes for a visit from England and Sir John brings him for a friendly call on the Krugas. Meta's heart awakens at the sight of the handsome, young Englishman, and she returns Hans's necklace. The father, however, orders her to marry Hans, or never darken his door again.


The Cruel Crown

The Cruel Crown 1914


Pandemonium follows the escape of the leopards, placed to guard the treasure-room in Umballah's palace.


The Life Timer

The Life Timer 1913


Steve and Tom are rivals for the hand of Mona.


The Impersonation of Tom

The Impersonation of Tom 1915


Martin, a ranch owner, writes Graves, a broker, to send Tom Graves west to marry Martin's daughter, Daisy. Tom has a sweetheart, but obeys his father's orders. Meanwhile, Daisy has a sweetheart unknown to her father, and when Martin tells Daisy that Tom Graves is coming to marry her Daisy tells her sweetheart, Ned, all about it. Ned meets Tom; they become friends and Tom visits Ned's claim. Tom shows Ned Daisy's picture and they agree to a plan. Ned agrees to impersonate Tom and marry Daisy while Tom is to send for Hazel.