
Опенхајмер 2023


Прича о улози Ј. Роберта Опенхајмера у развоју атомске бомбе током Другог светског рата.


Живот других

Живот других 2006


Радња филма смештеног у источни Берлин 1984. године прати Герда Вислера, искусног службеника државне безбедности, који добија задатак да прислушкује познатог и успешног позоришног писца Георга Дрејмана. Ово дебитантско целовечерње остварење редитеља Флоријана Хенкела фон Донерсмарка имало је рекордних 11 номинација на додели Немачких националних филмских награда, а овенчан је Оскаром за најбољи страни филм 2007. године.



1987 2017




Трамбо 2015


Године 1947, Далтон Трамбо био је врхунски холивудски сценариста, све док њега и друге уметнке, због својих политичких уверења, нису затворили или ставили на црну листу. Филм Трамбо присећа се како Далтон домишљато користи речи током доделе два Оскара и излаже апсурдност и неправду која стоји иза црне листе, која обухвата све, од трач колумнисткиње Хед Хопер до Џона Вејна, Кирка Дагласа и Отоа Премингера.


Čak Noris u borbi protiv komunizma

Čak Noris u borbi protiv komunizma 2015


Krajem osamdesetih godina, u Čaušeskuovu Rumuniju, VHS švercer na crnom tržištu i hrabra ženska prevodnica doneli su rumunskom narodu magiju zapadnih filmova i posejali seme revolucije.


Otac na službenom putu

Otac na službenom putu 1985


У филму се описује Титов разлаз са Стаљином 1948. године, као и почетак не само ломова, већ и веома тешких година за многе југословенске комунисте. Неопрезан коментар о новинарској карикатури је довољан да Меша доживи многе затворске несреће. Сада је његова породица присиљена да се бори и чека његов излазак из затвора. Филм прати прича из перспективе Малика, његовог млађег сина, који верује у причу своје мајке о татином одласку на службени пут.


The Disguiser

The Disguiser 2015


Set in the Japanese occupation era, the rich yet naive young master Ming Tai is trained to become an agent, and is later sent to become an underground spy for the Communists. Together with his brother and double agent Ming Lou, they try and bring down Wang Wei's Kuomintang Secret Service Headquarters.



009-1 2006


In an alternate world, the Cold War has continued to persist for 140 years. As a result, the world was divided into two factions: the West Block, and the East Block. As the Cold War drags on, the tension between the two factions, as well as the amount of nuclear weapons they have, rise. Mylene Hoffman is a female cyborg who is a spy for the West Block. Together with three other agents, Mylene partakes in various missions issued by her superiors.


The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War 2017


An immersive 360-degree narrative telling the epic story of the Vietnam War as it has never before been told on film. Featuring testimony from nearly 80 witnesses, including many Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as Vietnamese combatants and civilians from both the winning and losing sides.


The Cuba Libre Story

The Cuba Libre Story 2015


Recounts the tumultuous history of Cuba, a nation of foreign conquest, freedom fighters and Cold War political machinations.


The Informant

The Informant 2022


Behind the Iron Curtain, Geri leaves for college, looks forward to meeting girls and partying and joins a group of radicals led by the charismatic Száva. But Geri has a secret. He’s an informant of the totalitarian state and to save his brother, he’s been forced to spy on his new friends for State Security.


Faith of the Century: A History of Communism

Faith of the Century: A History of Communism 1999


Communism spread to all of the continents of the word, lasting through four generations and over seven decades. Hundreds of millions of men and women were affected by this political system, one of the most unjust and bloodiest in history. Using newly discovered propaganda films and archival photos, these four episodes explore the mysteries of this totalitarian political machine that lured its share of important followers into the fold. Known as the red church, communism seduced its ardent followers like some earthly religion.


The True Believers

The True Believers 1988


The True Believers is a 1988 Australian mini series which looks at the history of the Australian Labor Party from the end of World War Two up to the Australian Labor Party split of 1955. It was co-written by Bob Ellis who focused on three characters "Chifley, the unlettered man of great dignity; Menzies, who used to stand for something but eventually stood only for Menzies; and Evatt, the grand idealist... It's almost like Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1. It's a chunk of national history during Australia's great era of change after the war."


Letter to Eva

Letter to Eva 2013


Juana Doña, a communist woman; Carmen Polo, dictator Franco's wife; and Eva Duarte, President Perón's wife, the first lady of Argentina, the idolized Evita, crisscross their lives during Evita's official visit to Spain, an autarchic country isolated from the world, in June 1947. Behind the pomp of reception there is a pharaonic preparation, hidden businesses, battles in the Caudillo's court and the possibility of saving a human life.


The Informant

The Informant 2020


1950s. Under the communist regime, a struggling actor joins the KGB as an informant to make ends meet. He quickly finds himself caught up in a dangerous web of deceit and treachery.


Russia's War: Blood Upon the Snow

Russia's War: Blood Upon the Snow 1996


Russia’s War provides an important and in-depth account of the nation’s history throughout the period of Joseph Stalin's rule (1924-53). Told in ten parts, this astonishing documentary reveals eyewitness accounts, archival photography, documents and footage, and gives a remarkable insight into what let to the death of sixty-five million Soviets during Stalin’s reign of terror.


The Leader

The Leader 2019


The life of German thinker Karl Marx, focusing on his political and economic theories, his romance with Jenny von Westphalen, and his friendship with Friedrich Engels.


The Freckled Boy

The Freckled Boy 1973


During the times of the Second World War in Royal Romania, a street smart kid accidentally becomes part of an organization which will eventually decide the future of his country.


The Tower

The Tower 2012


A seemingly sheltered family living behind the Berlin Wall in East Germany begins to crumble, in a climate of fear, mistrust, and shocking secrets.9


Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone

Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone 2022


What it felt like to live through the collapse of communism and democracy. A series of films by Adam Curtis.


The Struggles for Poland

The Struggles for Poland 1987


This 9-episodes documentary series extensively examines the history of Poland in the 20th Century, telling the story through archival films, newsreels, interviews, and readings from novels and poems.



Stalin 1990


Three years in the making, this comprehensive study of the Soviet dictator blends documentary footage and interviews with experts and surviving witnesses.