Само бог прашта

Само бог прашта 2013


Џулијан води боксерски клуб у Бангкоку, као параван за породични посао кријумчарења дроге. Када је Џулијанов брат Били убијен, њхова мајка Џена долази у град. Она жели освету и тера Џулијана да пронађе убицу. Џулијанови контакти га одводе директно до “Анђела освете”, пензионисаног полицајца који зна све и влада поџемљем. Џена захтева да Џулијан убије “Анђела освете”, што ће га скупо коштати.






The Ringmaster

The Ringmaster 2021


Muay Thai champion Hoi Ching-hei manages to hold his ground in his farewell match. After a celebration, he abruptly dies as he quarrels with someone while saving a woman. Hoi Ching-nam reviews his elder brother Ching-hei’s boxing match video and finds out the cause of death has something to do with coach Shek Ngo-shan. Ngo-shan develops his boxing club business and transforms into a successful merchant. He is interviewed by famous TV presenter Man Sin-yin. To attain certain objective, socialite Lui Kin wants to gain a foothold in the realm of Muay Thai. She becomes a consultant to a combat sports association. She encounters Ngo-shan and develops a subtle relationship with him. To seek justice for his late elder brother, Ching-nam becomes boxing champion Yip Ying-fung’s disciple. With assistance from a wealthy man’s daughter, Kong Ka-ching, and his childhood buddy Shek Tsz-chung, Ching-nam is determined to step into the boxing ring and go after Ngo-shan.