Били Лин - херој

Били Лин - херој 2016


Били Лин је деветнаестогодишњи војник који се бори у Ираку. Након што он и његови другови једва преживе напету битку која добија велики публицитет у медијима, славе их као хероје и Министарство одбране их шаље кући. У САД, они иду на промотивну турнеју широм земље, која се завршава у Даласу, наступом у шоу програму у полувремену утакмице на Дан захвалности. Кроз флешбекове, филм открива шта се заиста догодило јединици, показујући колико се америчка перцепција рата разликује од ратне стварности.


Prison Break

Prison Break 2005


Due to a political conspiracy, an innocent man is sent to death row and his only hope is his brother, who makes it his mission to deliberately get himself sent to the same prison in order to break the both of them out, from the inside out.


Crossing Lines

Crossing Lines 2013


Through globalization, many countries have been opened and barriers removed to ensure easy trade, travel and cultural diversity. However, this openness has given opportunities to criminals looking to exploit the system and ultimately threaten our global safety. As Europe has become a "safe house" for criminals eluding law enforcers, a special kind of law enforcement team is needed to handle specific ongoing crimes on a global level. "Crossing Lines" is the story of one such team, made up of five international cops, headed by Captain Daniel. The team - comprised of individuals who have little in common - must learn to live and work under the most dangerous and potentially deadly conditions. Housed in an unused storage section underneath the ICC, this mismatched team faces bureaucratic, jurisdictional and cultural obstacles while traversing continents in pursuit of justice.