Замка 2024
Отац и ћерка тинејџерка присуствују поп концерту, где схватају да су у центру мрачног и злокобног догађаја.
Отац и ћерка тинејџерка присуствују поп концерту, где схватају да су у центру мрачног и злокобног догађаја.
Када часна сестра у Румунији одузме живот, Ватикан ће послати два свештеника да истраже њену смрт. Заједно откривају не баш свету тајну. Ризикујући не само своје животе, већ и веру и своје душе, суочавају се са злонамерном силом у облику исте демонске часне сестре која је терорисала публику у филму Призивање Зла 2.
Враћајући се кући са кошаркашке утакмице, играчи, тренери и навијачи се састају у аутобусу Источног Хемингвеја у Хемингвеју како би упознали Крипера, који се буди сваког 23. марта, сваке 23 године да би појео много људи. Шачица људи мора да превазиђе свој страх и да се суочи са чудовиштем на било који начин како би га спречила да настави свој чудовишни ритуал.
Човек напушта посао да би се бринуо за умирућу баку, мотивисан њеним богатством. Планира да придобије њену наклоност пре него што премине.
„Крудс“ је нова авантура о породици пећинских људи, смештена у фиктивну праисторијску еру. Након што померање континената изазове промену света који познају, ова необична и неустрашива породица креће на путовање и освајање предивних, али понекад и застрашујућих нових предела. Крудс су необични припадници врсте хомосапиенса.
Мери Кетрин је ћерка професора Бомбе који је посвећен проучавању групе необичних ратника, заштитника шуме. Када М.К. изненада доспе у њихов тајни универзум, затећи ће се усред борбе сила добра, које штите природу, и сила зла које желе да је униште. Док покушава да пронађе начин да се врати кући, она мора да удружи снаге са јединственим становницима шуме, како би сачували њихов и наш свет.
Матрикс је бивши вођа специјалних јединица које су оперисале по Средњем истоку, Совјетској унији, Централној Америци – где год је политичка врућа зона била најврелија. Међутим, Матрикс је преживео превише операција те је због сигурности „пензионисан“ јер превише људи познаје његово лице и жели га видети мртвог. Постао је мета број један. Тренутно, Матрикс живи повучено, на селу са својом једанаестогодишњом ћерком, под новим идентитетом. Давно пре, његова је јединица поразила злог диктатора јужноамеричке државе Вал Верде и заменила га демократски изабраним председником. Генерал Ариус, свргнути диктатор, уз помоћ једног Матриксовог бившег војника, успе га коначно пронаћи и отети му кћи. Како би је вратио, Матрикс мора отићи у Вал Верде на своју последњу мисију: убити председника Веласкеза и отворити врата повратку диктатора.
Четворица мушкараца, један позив: Да служе и штите. Као полицајци који спроводе закон самоуверени су и фокусирани. Ипак, на крају дана, они се суочавају са изазовом за који нико од њих није спреман: очинством. Када трагедија задеси дом, ови мушкарци су остављени да се боре са својим надама, страховима, вером и очинством. Заштита улица је у природи ових мушкараца. Подизање деце на начин да уважавају Бога? То је храброст.
A dad finds out that parenting is harder than he thought after his wife goes back to work and he's left at home to take care of the kids.
Dale is a cool, composed, and highly skilled adventurer who's made quite a name for himself despite his youth. One day on a job deep in the forest, he comes across a little devil girl who's almost wasted away. Unable to just leave her there to die, Dale takes her home and becomes her adoptive father. Devil or not, Latina is beyond adorable, and the adventurer soon finds himself head over heels with being a parent. But why was she out in the forest to begin with, and why does she carry the mark of a criminal?
The show revolves around some social problems through the employee Abdul Hamid, whose feelings of happiness and anxiety are mixed when a young man proposes to marry his daughter. In his journey to afford the expenses of his daughter's marriage and taking care of his family, we go through the traditional problems of the Egyptian families nowadays and social differences.
After stirring society by leaving her groom at the alter and going directly to a prostitution house, a young model becomes the city's most famous harlot, known as "Hilda the Hurricane", in the 50's Brazil. She could do fine if it wasn't for Malthus, a young novice said to be a saint, for whom she falls in love. However, the boy is kept under the strict, severe doctrine of Father Nelson, a conservative priest intolerant even to every minor sin. Things start getting harder when Roberto, Malthus' old friend and a communist reporter (the actual author of the story), tries to interview Hilda and disclosure the real reasons behind her radical change of mind. In the meantime, the middle-classes are terrified by the "leftist threat" in Brazilian politics.
Yoo Ji-Cheol used to be a top boxer, but he lost everything in a moment. All of his money and fame vanished and his life was ruined. He decides to gain control of his life through mixed martial arts.
At the height of his career and powers, Japan's master fixer, who has guided politicians and business heads through some of Japan's biggest scandals, discovers that fixing his family is harder than fixing a country.
A drama about a family which the father was in debt. After they lost everything they move in Bodrum where the parents born. They struggle to save the father from the police.
Yorkshire detective Ronald Craven is haunted by the murder of his daughter and begins his own investigation into her death.
Wie Dae-Han is an ex-lawmaker and is a materialistic kind of politician. He wants to get elected as lawmaker again. One day, 18-year-old girl Da-Jung comes to him. She tells him that he is her real father. Her mother raised four children, including Da-Jung, alone, but she died in a hit-and-run accident. Da-Jung is the only one now taking care of her 3 younger siblings. Wie Dae-Han accepts Da-Jung and her 3 younger siblings. He carries out “The Great Show” to become a lawmaker again.
Home to Roost is a British television sitcom produced by Yorkshire Television in the 1980s. Written by Eric Chappell, it starred John Thaw as Henry Willows and Reece Dinsdale as his 18-year-old son Matthew. The premise is that Henry Willows is forty-something, who has been divorced from his wife for seven years and is perfectly happy living alone in London. That is, until his youngest child, Matthew arrives to live with him, after being thrown out by his mother. The plots generally revolved around Henry's annoyance at having his solitude disturbed, and the age gap clash. Henry employed two cleaners throughout the show's life; first Enid Thompson, and, in the third season, Fiona Fennell.
Steptoe and Son is a British sitcom written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson about a father and son played by Wilfred Brambell and Harry H. Corbett who deal in selling used items. They live on Oil Drum Lane, a fictional street in Shepherd's Bush, London. Four series were broadcast by the BBC from 1962 to 1965, followed by a second run from 1970 to 1974. Its theme tune, "Old Ned", was composed by Ron Grainer. The series was voted 15th in a 2004 BBC poll to find Britain's Best Sitcom. It was remade in the US as Sanford and Son, in Sweden as Albert & Herbert and in the Netherlands as Stiefbeen en zoon. In 1972 a movie adaptation of the series, Steptoe and Son, was released in cinemas, with a second Steptoe and Son Ride Again in 1973.
This classic Australian mini series was originally broadcast in 1989 as three 90 minute episodes and tells the story of a young woman who goes in search of the father she has never known. Her search takes her from Australia to England and then on to Bangkok. There she meets up with a charming young man, Arkie Regan, who plants drugs in her luggage and leaves her to her fate when the authorities find them during a routine search at the airport. Following her imprisonment in the notorious Bangkok Hilton prison she awaits the decision of the authorities on whether she should face the death penalty.
I Didn't Know You Cared is a British comedy series set in a working class household in South Yorkshire in the 1970s, written by Peter Tinniswood loosely based upon his books A Touch Of Daniel, I Didn't Know You Cared and Except You're A Bird. It was broadcast by the BBC in four series from 1975 to 1979. The main characters are Carter Brandon; his Uncle Mort; his mother, Annie; his father, Les; his girlfriend, Pat Partington; and Uncle Staveley. Auntie Lil appears in the first two series. Other recurring characters, mostly from Carter's workplace, are Linda Preston; Mrs Partington; Sid Skelhorn
Before the birth of the Igarashi children... A dying and seriously injured man was brought to the scientific research organization Noah. The man, Junpei Shiranami was transplanted with Giff's cells into the heart by Masumi Karizaki and survived. He was forced to become the strongest Devil hunter and given the Vail Driver. Junpei, whose parents were killed by the red Devil, becomes Kamen Rider Vail with revenge on his mind, continuing to fight the Devil...
Haj Ali has always tried to live a righteous life and be the best father he can be for his children, but when his son decides to marry a girl who comes from a family with a different belief system, will Haj Ali be able to welcome her into their lives and be like a father to her as well?
The story of Awad, the stingy trader who collects money while his family lives in deprivation, which forces his children to work to escape their father's stinginess. The daughter marries a rich older man, and her two brothers try to achieve their dreams away from their father.
My Old Man was a popular but short-lived British comedy programme starring Clive Dunn as retired and embittered engine driver Sam Cobbett. Set in London, England, Sam Cobbett is the last tenant to leave an old house on a council-condemned road. He goes to live with his daughter, her posh husband, and their young teenage son, in a flat nearby.
Common As Muck is a gritty BBC comedy drama serial focusing on the lives of a crew of bin men and their management staff. It ran for two series. The first series was screened in 1994 and the second in 1997. Both were nominated for a BAFTA for Best Drama.