Милионер са улице

Милионер са улице 2008


Џамал Малик осамнаестогодишњи је младић из Бомбаја, дете улице, без родитеља, често и без хране. Од малена је научио на тежак, живот сиромаха. Но, његов се живот мења кад успе да се квалификује за квиз „ко жели да буде милионер“. На чуђење милионског аудиторијума и уз навијање целе нације, Џамал успева да одговори на сва питања. Џамала тек једно питање дели од освајања 20 милиона рупија! То је тако необично да изазива сумњу полиције, која почиње да га испитује. Одговарајући на питања, Џамал препричава догађаје из свог живота, од најранијих сећања до мукотрпног одрастања. Сећања су тако жива да их, проживљавамо заједно са главним јунаком, а исто се догађа и строгом и грубом полицијском инспектору. Џамалове приче су истовремено и потресне и дирљиве и тужне и смешне, а у сваком од тих догађаја он је научио по један одговор на питања која је добио у квизу...


Школа за младе даме

Школа за младе даме 2007


Хаос и разврат владају у школи за младе даме, зато нови ресорни министар најављује да ће се лично побринути за успостављање реда у школи, не схватајући шта га чека. Због недостатка новца и великих дугова, школи прети затварање. Девојке, које похађају школу, осећају се одговорним за тренутну кризу, па доносе одлуку да преузму ствари у своје руке.


Почетно питање

Почетно питање 2006


Брајан Џексон, студент из Есекса, одрастао је уз ТВ квиз "University Challenge", који је средином осамдесетих био један од најпопуларнијих програма у Енглеској. По упису на Универзитет у Бристолу, Брајан се придружује "University Challenge" тиму и одлучан је да се појави у квизу.


Аљоша Папович и Тугарин-Змај

Аљоша Папович и Тугарин-Змај 2004


У древном граду Ростову родио се поповски син коме дадоше име Аљоша. Иако веома јак, не беше баш нарочито бистар. Кад Аљоша одрасте у јунака, Ростов почеше да опседају хорде Тугарин-Змаја. Тако једном однесоше сво злато из Ростова, а Аљоша због лошег плана испаде главни кривац. Другог пута није било, па Аљоша даде заклетву да се кући неће враћати све док не поврати сво отето злато. Заједно са Аљошом креће и деда Тихон, а уз пут им се прикључују девојка Љубава и њена баба, као и цигански коњ Јулиј који има моћ говора...



Jeopardy! 1984


America's favorite quiz show where contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the form of answers, and must phrase their responses in question form.


You Quiz On The Block

You Quiz On The Block 2018


Yoo Jae-suk and Jo Se-ho who enter ordinary people's everyday lives, chat with them, and give them surprise quizzes! The talk and quiz show program will spotlight these people's lives and aims to gift them a refreshing, different kind of day. Recently they're also inviting celebrities & professionals to the show.


Have I Got News for You

Have I Got News for You 1990


Hilarious, totally-irreverent, near-slanderous political quiz show, based mainly on news stories from the last week or so, that leaves no party, personality or action unscathed in pursuit of laughs.


University Challenge

University Challenge 1962


Academic quiz show where teams of students from UK universities answer questions on all manner of subjects.



QI 2003


Comedy quiz show full of quirky facts, in which contestants are rewarded more if their answers are 'quite interesting'.


The Chase

The Chase 2009


The Chase isn’t just a quiz… it’s a race, where the players must ensure they stay one step ahead of ‘The Chaser’, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them winning at all costs.


Pointless Celebrities

Pointless Celebrities 2011


Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman present a celebrity version of the general knowledge quiz in which contestants try to come up with the answers that nobody else could think of.


Spicks and Specks

Spicks and Specks 2005


Adam Hills, one of Australia's favourite comedians and winner of Edinburgh's Best of the Fest award, is joined by two team captains, comedian and actor Alan Brough and radio breakfast announcer Myf Warhurst, as well as brave personalities who enjoy having long forgotten embarrassing stories laughed about on national television. Two teams go head to head as they sing, shout and delve deep into the recesses of their collective minds to help earn their team an extremely inglorious victory.


Ciao Darwin

Ciao Darwin 1998


Ciao Darwin is a variety game show format from Italy sold under licence to several countries, including Romania, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Canada, USA, China and Greece. There are two competing teams of about 50 people each, usually made up of people who fit certain opposing stereotypes. In each game two members of the audience are selected at random, one from each team, indicated by a light in front of them which remains illuminated when all the other team members' lights have gone off. The games involve contestants competing in acts of bravery, style and talent, some of which are designed to humiliate the contestants, especially an assault course which was introduced with the Italian version in 2010, and the Finale which is a water tank game.


100 Geniuses

100 Geniuses 2019


A general knowledge quiz show that brings together a group of 100 very smart high-school students. At every stage of the competition, the Geniuses play together, compete against one another, and also help each other out.



Mastermind 1972


Mastermind is a British quiz show, well known for its challenging questions, intimidating setting and air of seriousness. Devised by Bill Wright, the basic format of Mastermind has never changed — four and in later contests five contestants face two rounds, one on a specialised subject of the contestant's choice, the other a general knowledge round. Wright drew inspiration from his experiences of being interrogated by the Gestapo during World War II. The atmosphere is helped by Mastermind's famously ominous theme music, "Approaching Menace" by the British composer Neil Richardson. The quiz programme originated and was recorded in Manchester at studios such as New Broadcasting House and Granada Studios, before permanently moving to MediaCityUK in 2011.


A League of Their Own

A League of Their Own 2010


Two teams comprised of comedians, celebrities and sports stars compete against each other in a test of their sporting knowledge, taking place over three rounds.


The Match Game

The Match Game 1962


In this panel game show, contestants try to match answers given by six celebrities to humorous and often risque fill-in-the-blank questions.


IDOL on Quiz

IDOL on Quiz 2020


Idol specialized MC Jung Hyung Don and MC Jang Sung Kyu attach everything in the world with K-POP idol stars! Multinational K-Pop idol stars compete in an ingenious quiz competition, to show their talent as the quiz genius beyond themselves as the idol genius. The quiz show that crosses a border of Idol Star, Idol on the Quiz!


7O3X Fastest Finger First

7O3X Fastest Finger First 2017


As soon as he entered high school, the first year student Koshiyama Shiki was invited to the mysterious Quiz Study Group led by his senpai. What will Shiki run into when being dragged along by his class mate Mari into the dazzling world of competitive quizzes?!


Big Fat Quiz

Big Fat Quiz 2004


Presenter Jimmy Carr oversees a panel of top-name celebrities in this year end quiz show where they compete to see who can answer the most questions correctly.