Nader och Simin - en separation

Nader och Simin - en separation 2011


Nader vill inte flytta utomlands med sin fru Simin eftersom han måste ta hand om sin alzheimersjuke far. Paret separerar och Nader får ta hand om dottern. Han skaffar en hemhjälp som visar sig vara djupt religiös. Att ta hand om en vårdkrävande äldre man blir problematiskt och när Nader förstår hur hemhjälpen missköter pappan uppstår en konflikt med dramatiska följder.


Var är min väns hus?

Var är min väns hus? 1987


En pojke råkar ta med sig sin skolkamrats läxhäfte. Om vännen inte gör läxorna till morgondagen kommer läraren att aga honom. Huvudpersonen måste hitta sin väns hus och ge honom häftet innan det är för sent.


6 Dagar

6 Dagar 2017


I april 1980 vid iranska ambassaden i London stormar beväpnade män in och tar alla som gisslan. Under 6 dagar bedrivs förhandlingar tills man beslutar att skicka in en grupp specialtränade soldater i en räd som världen inte upplevt tidigare.


Holy Spider

Holy Spider 2022


Rahimi, en kvinnlig journalist, beger sig till Mashhad, Irans heligaste stad, för att undersöka en rad mord som har skett där på kort tid. Gärningsmannen är övertygad om att han utför Guds verk genom att rensa gatorna från prostituerade kvinnor. Men ju närmare man kommer att avslöja mördaren, desto svårare blir det att skipa rättvisa eftersom allt fler hyllar honom som en hjälte.


American Wrestler: The Wizard

American Wrestler: The Wizard 2017


Året är 1979, mitt under gisslankrisen i Iran. För att undvika en säker död på fronten i kriget mellan Iran och Irak, smugglas 17-årige Ali Jahani ut ur landet och flyttar in med sin farbror i den lilla staden Petaluma i norra Kalifornien. Här måste han anpassa sig till vardagslivet i en småstad, men möts av fientlighet av alla. När han går med i skolans brottningslag får Ali äntligen chansen att förändra andras syn på honom och att lära sig att bli en hjälte mot alla odds.



Rosewater 2014


En journalist fängslas i Iran i mer än 100 dagar och blir brutalt förhörd i fängelset.


Taxi Teheran

Taxi Teheran 2015


Befriad från husarrest men belagd med yrkesförbud fortsätter den iranske regissören Jafar Panahi oförtrutet att göra film. Passagerare av alla slag berättar öppenhjärtigt om sina liv för taxichauffören som spelas av regissören själv. Med kameran på instrumentbrädan i sin mobila filmstudio lyckas Panahi med både humor och dramatik ge en bild av dagens Iran.


Kvinnor utan män

Kvinnor utan män 2009


Filmen utspelas under statskuppen i Iran 1953 då Shahen återtog makten och följer fyra parallella kvinnoöden där alla är på flykt från någon form av förtryck. Men som genom ödet förs de samman till en trädgård där de tillsammans försöker skapa sig ett nytt liv.



Tehran 2020


Tamar is a Mossad hacker-agent who infiltrates Tehran under a false identity to help destroy Iran's nuclear reactor. But when her mission fails, Tamar must plan an operation that will place everyone dear to her in jeopardy.


Made In Iran

Made In Iran 2012


Koroush Afsharjam (Behnam Tashakor) is an unpopular Iranian scientist that invents a new powder that can turn dirty liquid into drinkable water. He gets a call from Paris indicating that he could come to Paris and announce his new invention to the world. After he gets in a car crash, laying on the ground, Gholam (Amin Hayaei) decides to still his samsonite bag without any idea of what it holds. After Gholam becomes wanted by the police, he decides to use Koroosh's passport to go to Paris. After finding out what the powder does, he decides to sell it and get the money at any cost. His stupid brain and not knowing anything about English or Europe make this Hilarious character even better.


Hezar Dastan

Hezar Dastan 1988


Hezar-Dastan was an Iranian epic historical drama television series from 1987, developed and directed by Ali Hatami. Hezar Dastan is considered one of the most important and most influential works of art in the history of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. The production of the show took almost 8 years, starting in 1979 and ending in 1987, during which Hatami established a large set to represent Tehran in both Qajar dynasty and World War II, retroactively creating Iran's first movie studio and backlot (named Ghazali Cinema Town). The show tells the story of Reza Khoshnevis (also known as Reza Tofangchi), and his life and entanglement with corruption in government, and trying to correct it using not conventional means. The story is split into two section and it features Iran during the turbulent times of the latter days of Qajar Dynasty and during the events of World War II and Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran.


The Fall

The Fall 2023


Aisan and Jakan's love bond gets a new life after going through the difficult days of their life together. They go on their honeymoon to water their love tree...a journey that ends in darkness.



Sarbedaran 1984


Sarbedaran is a historic series based on the revolt of the 'Sarbedar's of Khorasan, led by Sheykh Hasan Jowri against the Mongol Conquest of Iran. The director of this series is Mohammad Ali Najafi and it is written co-directed by Keyhan Rahgozar. Parts of this series also refer to the previous leader and the pioneer of the movement, Sheykh Khalifa of Mazandaran.


On Wings of Eagles

On Wings of Eagles 1986


On Wings of Eagles is a NBC TV mini-series, starring Burt Lancaster - Richard Crenna and directed by Andrew V. McLaglen. The TV series was adapted from Ken Follet's novel of the same name. The plot is set during the Iranian revolution. During the takeover of Iran, the king is overthrown, and two executives of Electronic Data Systems are imprisoned on false charges. The head of the company, Mr. Perot, travels to Tehran to negotiate for their release. Meanwhile, a retired US Army Special Forces Colonel, Arthur Simons, is hired to develop a rescue plan at any cost.



Romance 2017


Several young couples' calm marriages are disturbed when a woman enters their lives.



Forbidden 2018


"Forbidden" narrates the story of three generations simultaneously and continuously, from the concerns of youth today to the damage to family and social issues.


Iran and the West

Iran and the West 2009


Militant Islam enjoyed its first modern triumph with the arrival in power of Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran in 1979. In this series of three programmes, key figures tell the inside story.


Sultan and Berger

Sultan and Berger 1983


One evening in a grand royal palace, a frivolous and grotesque sultan has a nightmare. The great diviner concludes that on a full moon evening arrows of doom will fall on his head. Frightened, the sultan feels discomfort and falls ill in bed...


I Want To Be Alive

I Want To Be Alive 2021


Homa Haghi and her love are preparing with the Haghi family to surprise Homayoun, the father of her family on his birthday night. But when the father arrives, the whole family is surprised.


Art of Persia

Art of Persia 2020


Broadcaster and journalist Samira Ahmed goes on a remarkable journey to places rarely seen, as she travels through Iran, telling the story of a complex and fascinating people, culture and history.



Kashokhin 2019


A fuel smuggler in southern Iran, who has been reprimanded and criticized by the others after the death of his comrade in a car accident, embarks on a one-man journey to seek revenge after finding clues to his comrade's murder. Ghasem Chakal is a young fuel smuggler in in southern Iran, who has been reprimanded and criticized by the others after the death of his comrade (Hamzeh) in a car accident. He also feels guilty and can not forgive himself, but when he finds clues that indicate his friend has been killed he embarks on a one-man journey to seek revenge. He makes a list of people who may have been motivated to kill Hamzeh and he goes to visit them with all violence, one by one.