Клітка для пташок

Клітка для пташок 1996


Арман та Альберт - власники популярного клубу у самому центрі Маямі. Нехай обидва - вже немолоді, але завзяття та фантазії в них вистачить на найбільш неймовірні витівки. Можливо, справа у морі та сонці, а можливо - в їх нетрадиційній сексуальній орієнтації... Але раптово їх спокій порушує повернення сина Армана, який збирається одружитися, та ще й на дочці віце-президента Комітету з питань моралі! У татусів великі проблеми: батьки нареченої їдуть знайомитись, і, не доведи господи, вони про щось запідозрять!


В ім'я порятунку

В ім'я порятунку 2018


Людство задіяло всі сили, щоби впоратися з таємничою загрозою, яка тягне за собою всесвітню катастрофу. Армія й силові структури безпорадні, і людям доведеться самостійно боротися за своє життя. На тлі жахливих подій герой на ім’я Алекс розшукує свою кохану, яка можливо загинула серед хаосу, що панує навколо.


The West Wing

The West Wing 1999


The West Wing provides a glimpse into presidential politics in the nation's capital as it tells the stories of the members of a fictional presidential administration. These interesting characters have humor and dedication that touches the heart while the politics that they discuss touch on everyday life.


Laws of Attraction

Laws of Attraction 2023


Charn is a clever and ruthless lawyer inclined to accept high-paying and high-profile cases that will bring him renown. On one occasion, he's taken off a case as it's gaining widespread interest. Having lost face and oportunity, he's suspisious of the reason for his removal and wants to get his revenge. He suspects he can find something hidden within the case for his own profit. Charn therefore decides to switch sides to Tinn, the uncle of Tonkhao, a young girl who was struck and killed by a car and failed to recieve justice. The two come together to search for the truth. Despite holding opposing views, their closeness brings about new feelings. As their work becomes more and more dangerous, the two become certain that this case is not at all ordinary.


Mundo Ultimate News Cp

Mundo Ultimate News Cp 2018


In a vast and mysterious multiverse with fantastic alternative realities, a metaphysical entity has a whole plan behind it, in order to protect the timeline of an island using a book that can see the past, present and future as if it were a full script.



Spin 2012


The President of the French Republic, visiting Saint-Etienne in the Loire, in a striking plant dies, victim of a bomb attack. The political world is agitated: early presidential elections to be held within the next thirty-five days. There is no doubt that Philip Deleuvre, the prime minister, will run for the Elysee. But what few people know is that the leader of the government knows more things he claimed. This state causes lie back to business Kapita Simon, a former communications adviser (spin doctor) of the late president. Anxious to preserve the honor of his deceased friend and some form of political ethics, the man of the shadows has now set a goal: to find a candidate who will be able to beat Deleuvre.



Traitor 2019


In 2004, shortly before Estonia's accession to NATO, the Russian intelligence service is approaching Alfred Vind, an official of the Estonian Ministry of Defense ...


Thin Ice

Thin Ice 2020


In Greenland, a climate meeting for the Arctic Council is in the process of agreeing on a new and historic climate agreement that prohibits all environmentally harmful oil drilling in the area when the political advisor to Sweden's Foreign Minister Elsa suddenly disappears during a visit to a research vessel.


Hitler vs Churchill: The Eagle and the Lion

Hitler vs Churchill: The Eagle and the Lion 2016


A documentary which explores the remarkable parallels between the careers of Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill, as well as their personal rivalry and animosity.