Ключове слово Bigfoot
Abominable 2006
Бігфут молодший: Стань легендою 2017
Адам збирається у неймовірну подорож у пошуках свого зниклого тата, лише аби дізнатись, що той - легендарний Бігфут! Ховаючись у непрохідних хащах лісів, аби захистити себе і свою сім'ю від могутньої корпорації, жадаючої експериментувати над його рідкісним ДНК, Бігфут старший намагається надолужити згаяний час у спілкуванні з малим. Утім, Адам відкриває у собі схожі здібності.
Гаррі та Гендерсони 1987
Звичайна американська родина знаходить в лісі волохатого велетня — снігову людину — і бере його з собою. Коли ж цей «Гаррі» оживає, нові знайомі все більше прив’язуються до нього…
Сімейка бігфутів 2020
Історія незвичайної сімейки, голова якої – справжній біґфут. Його син-підліток розуміє мову тварин та птахів. Одного разу світ опиняється на порозі справжньої катастрофи. Щоб все врятувати, родина повинна згуртуватися, а на допомогу їм прийдуть чарівні лісові мешканці.
Містер Лінк: Загублена ланка еволюції 2019
Безстрашний натураліст і дослідник Лайонел Фрост поставив перед собою завдання розповісти світові про існування різних створінь, про які говорять тільки в легендах. Його новим відкриттям стає Лінк, так звана «відсутня ланка», що зв’язує людство з його предками по еволюційних щаблях.
Велика легенда 2018
Снігова людина 2008
З метою підняти рейтинг телешоу «Дивовижна дика природа», двоє дивакуватих ентузіастів відправляються в гірський район Південної Америки на пошуки снігової людини...
Exists 2014
Снігова людина 2012
Рок концерт 80-х переривається нападом гігантського снігової людини. Організатори музичного концерту протистоять страхітливій сніговій людині...
The Sasquatch Gang 2006
Night of the Demon 1980
Willow Creek 2013
Primal Rage 2018
Footprints of Fear 2024
4/20 Massacre 2018
Harry and the Hendersons 1991
The Hendersons, an upwardly mobile Seattle family, bring home what they believe to be a dead Bigfoot. But he has only been wounded by a hunter, and the Hendersons offer the creature who they come to call Harry a temporary home until a recovers his health.
Finding Bigfoot 2011
From small towns in the South to remote areas of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, four eccentric but passionate members of the Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) embark on one single-minded mission - to find the elusive "creature" known as Bigfoot or the Sasquatch.
In Search of Aliens 2014
From the lost city of Atlantis to the Loch Ness Monster to the mystery of the Nazca Lines, the world is filled with tales of mysterious locations, mythical creatures and strange occurrences. But could these extraordinary stories and theories turn out to be stranger-than-fiction truths? If so, might there be an extraterrestrial explanation for these phenomena? IN SEARCH OF ALIENS follows Giorgio Tsoukalos, an Ancient Astronaut theorist and leading contributor to Ancient Aliens, as he explores the fascinating evidence behind some of the Earth’s most famous mysteries. Through Giorgio’s research of various sites around the world and meetings with scientists, witnesses and experts; this one-hour non-fiction series delves into the unknown and examines clues that could prove a possible extraterrestrial connection within some of the world’s greatest unsolved mysteries.
Alaska Monsters 2014
In Alaska is a region known as the Triangle - 200,000 unforgiving miles where more people go missing per capita than anywhere else on earth. ALASKA MONSTERS follows a team of native outdoorsmen as they take on the challenge of exploring the Triangle's treacherous terrain to prove native monsters are linked to these disappearances.
Bigfoot Beyond the Trail 2021
The inaugural film in a brand new Small Town Monsters original series kicks off! Join adventurer, filmmaker and Bigfoot researcher, Aleksandar Petakov on the trail of the legendary Bigfoot. In this first film, Aleksandar interviews investigators and witnesses alike about Sasquatch sightings in the state of New Hampshire. Having experienced something truly unexplained for himself, Aleksandar sets out to see if he can duplicate an experience that he had during a late-night encounter with what might very well be a Bigfoot. Beyond the Trail takes you into the backcountry of America in search of Bigfoot. Directed by Aleksandar Petakov and produced by Seth and Adrienne Breedlove, this new series of short films will also occasionally intersect with various Small Town Monsters films!
Bigfoot 2019
Controversial megafauna, Bigfoot, finds himself down on his luck. His hunt for meaning, connection, and redemption snacks reveals him to be a complex mix of ego, vulnerability, cool dances, weird smells, and philosophical insight. Can he borrow some money? What is the moon? Please stop honking at Bigfoot? What is a Bigfoot? So many questions..only one Bigfoot.
World of Mysteries 2002
A look at several mystery cases
Killing Bigfoot 2017
Under Bobby Hamilton and Jim Lansdale's leadership, the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO) is on a mission to help families terrorized by Bigfoot and prove once and for all that the fabled creature exists by killing one specimen - and providing a body of definitive scientific proof.
Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: Bigfoot 2022
Jack and his friend, actor Jay Mewes, hunt for Bigfoot in northern Idaho.
Sasquatch Unearthed: The Ridge 2022
Some areas seem to emanate strange phenomena, from Sasquatch to UFOs to poltergeist activity. One such area is the Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania. For decades dozens of researchers have looked into the strange activity occurring there and have only ended up with more questions than answers. In the first episode focusing on the Ridge, you will discover some of the historical encounters with Sasquatch in this area of the world, and like many of the researchers in the film, you will leave with more questions than answers.
On the Trail of... Bigfoot 1970
From Small Town Monsters and filmmaker, Seth Breedlove (The Mothman of Point Pleasant, The Bray Road Beast) comes this stunning, 6 episode miniseries. Setting out the detail the entire history of the Bigfoot phenomenon, On the Trail of Bigfoot was filmed coast to coast during 2018 and features witnesses and investigators of the elusive creature. Episodes 1-3 are titled "The Legend" and recall the history of the subject up to present day. From the Ape Canyon attack at Mt St Helens to a visit to the Chestnut Ridge, these three episodes take you deeper into the Bigfoot subject than you've ever gone before. Written by Seth Breedlove
The Bigfoot Project 2021
Follow filmmaker and researcher Seth Breedlove as he stays on a property in Minerva Ohio, home of the famous Minerva Monster. Over the course of several episodes, Breedlove will find the answer to the question "are they still here?"
The X Creatures 1970
The X Creatures is a British documentary television series that was produced by the BBC in 1998, which was broadcast in 1999 on BBC 1. It was presented by Chris Packham, and examined the possibility of the existence of cryptozoological creatures. The name of the show was a reference to the popular fictional television show The X-Files. Each episode involved Chris Packham travelling to a certain place on Earth where the creature supposedly exists, and examining eye witness accounts, as opposed to searching for the creature. No VHS or DVD releases were ever made.