
Cinderella 1899


A fairy godmother magically turns Cinderella's rags to a beautiful dress, and a pumpkin into a coach. Cinderella goes to the ball, where she meets the Prince - but will she remember to leave before the magic runs out? Méliès based the art direction on engravings by Gustave Doré. First known example of a fairy-tale adapted to film, and the first film to use dissolves to go from one scene to another.


The Devil in a Convent

The Devil in a Convent 1899


A priest is officiating at a convent, when suddenly he is transformed into the devil, who frightens away the nuns and turns the place into pandemonium.


The Kiss in the Tunnel

The Kiss in the Tunnel 1899


Produced and directed by George Albert Smith, the film shows a couple sharing a brief kiss as their train passes through a tunnel. The Kiss in the Tunnel is said to mark the beginnings of narrative editing. It is in fact, two films in one, hence the 2 min length. Firstly, the G.A. Smith film here for the central cheeky scene in the carriage. The train view footage however is Cecil Hepworth's work, entitled 'View From An Engine Front - Shilla Mill Tunnel', edited into two halves in order to provide a visual narrative of the train entering the tunnel before the kiss and then leaving afterwards. More information about the filming of the phantom train ride can be found searching for the Hepworth film separately.


The Conjurer

The Conjurer 1899


A film from Méliès has him playing a magician who does a few tricks including making a woman disappear.


U.S. Cruiser 'Olympia' Leading Naval Parade

U.S. Cruiser 'Olympia' Leading Naval Parade 1899


This picture ... centers about some guard ropes moving about, perhaps in the wind, perhaps as the platform the movie is taken from rolls about, while in the background, a procession of ships goes by.


The Little Girl and Her Cat

The Little Girl and Her Cat 1899


A little girl sits at a table, holding a container of what appears to be some sort of food. Suddenly there's a flash of movement: a tortoiseshell cat, with long hair and a very furry tail, has leapt onto the table.


The Pillar of Fire

The Pillar of Fire 1899


A devil wearing bat-like wings and brandishing a trident dances around a giant pot, conjuring forth flame from his trident to lit a fire beneath the pot. After the devil works the fire with bellows, an angelic woman emerges from the pot. The devil and the pot vanish as the woman performs a dance, waving about her diaphanous sleeves until she conjures forth another fire, then she rises amongst the smoke into the air.


The Dreyfus Affair

The Dreyfus Affair 1899


The first movie ever censored for political reasons. The title refers to the then contemporaneous Dreyfus affair in which a Jewish military officer was falsely convicted of treason, and it was alleged that he was framed due to anti-semitism.


The Mysterious Knight

The Mysterious Knight 1899


A knight performs several magic tricks with a disembodied head materialized from a chalkboard drawing.


King John

King John 1899


Based on Shakespeare's play, Act V, Scene vii: King John is in torment, and his supporters fear that his end is near. As he writhes in agony, he is attended by Prince Henry, the Earl of Pembroke, and Robert Bigot. Prince Henry tries repeatedly to comfort his delirious father, but to no avail - John's pain is too great.


Défilé de voitures de bébés à la pouponnière de Paris

Défilé de voitures de bébés à la pouponnière de Paris 1899


A long line of nurses pushing carts with their babies enter from the far right, cross a garden in front of the large nursery home, and leave by the close left to the camera. A few toddlers also follow in the same orderly line, along their nurses.


Arabian Gun Twirler

Arabian Gun Twirler 1899


"An interesting exhibit by Hadji Cheriff, of the original Midway Plaisance. Twirls his rifle over his shoulder, behind back, under leg, both hands and one hand."


The 'Roslin Castle' (Troopship) Leaving for South Africa

The 'Roslin Castle' (Troopship) Leaving for South Africa 1899


Spectators on the quayside at Southampton wave farewell as the crowded troopship Roslin Castle moves away to the right of the picture. Large numbers of troops on board wave back to loved ones and the crowd including thr 2nd Battaliion West Yorkshires. Date: 20th October 1899.


Extravagant Struggles

Extravagant Struggles 1899


In a square room, two men and two women, in white body-hugging clothes, try on wrestling holds, each with a partner of the same sex.


"Shamrock" and "Erin" Sailing 1899


The Shamrock is seen after its defeat in the 1899 America's Cup, along with the Erin, which served as its tow boat across the Atlantic.


Dreyfus Meets His Wife at Rennes

Dreyfus Meets His Wife at Rennes 1899


Showing room at the military prison at Rennes in which Dreyfus the accused is confined. He is visited by his counsel, Maître Labori and Demange, with whom he is seen in animated conversation. A visit from his wife is announced, who enters. The meeting of the husband and wife is most pathetic and emotional.


Shoot the Chutes Series

Shoot the Chutes Series 1899


Positively the most wonderful series of pictures ever secured by an animated picture camera. The first scene is taken from the pond of the chutes, and shows a number of boats laden with gay Coney Island pleasure-seekers coming down into the water in rapid succession. The next scene is taken from the top of the incline, showing the boats being loaded, starting away, running down the chutes and dashing into the water. The next and most wonderful picture was secured by placing the camera in the boat, making a panoramic view of the chutes while running down and dashing into the water. Sold complete or in separate lengths.


Suicide of Colonel Henry

Suicide of Colonel Henry 1899


Shows the interior of the cell of the Prison Militaire du Cherche-Midi, Paris, where Colonel Henry is confined. He is seated at a table writing a letter, on completion of which he rises and takes a razor out he had concealed in his porte-manteau, with which he cuts his throat. The suicide is discovered by the sergeant of the guard and officers.