Ternyata Ini Sebabnya

Ternyata Ini Sebabnya 2022


All Pandji's worries during 2021 are summarized in this Special Show. It didn't stop there, Pandji also did a lot of research about the problems in the world of government which was currently hot at the time. Various deep messages about life are very thick delivered in this Stand-Up Comedy Show.


Hiduplah Indonesia Maya

Hiduplah Indonesia Maya 2019


Hiduplah Indonesia Maya is a Stand-Up Comedy Special Show from Pandji Pragiwaksono which was held on November 30, 2019. In the show Hiduplah Indonesia Maya, Pandji is more dominant in discussing political polemic in Indonesia. The discussion of the political aspects in the Hiduplah Indonesia Maya show includes the busy campaign, the Presidential Election conflict, around 1998, to the controversy about the shame glue that had stirred up social media. Apart from discussing politics, Pandji also talked a little about his family.