ITV Playhouse is a British comedy-drama TV series that ran from 1967 to 1983, which featured contributions from playwrights such as Dennis Potter, Rhys Adrian and Alan Sharp. The series began in black and white, but was later shot in colour and was produced by various companies for the ITV network, a format that would inspire Dramarama. Actors appearing in the series included Leslie Anderson, Gwen Nelson, Ricky Alleyne, Pat Heywood, Michael Elphick, Ian Hendry, Edward Woodward, Margaret Lockwood, Jessie Matthews and Lloyd Peters.
- 1. Little Girls Don't1981-03-10
- 2. The Perfect House1981-03-17
- 3. Only a Game1981-03-24
- 4. Out of Sight, Out of Mind1981-05-19
- 5. Sin with Our Permission1981-05-26
- 6. Last Night Another Dissident...1981-07-01
- 7. The Day of the Janitor1981-07-08
- 8. Contract1981-07-15
- 9. Singles1981-07-19
- 10. A Ferry Ride Away1981-07-22
- 11. Friends and Other Lovers1981-08-05
- 12. The Quiet Days of Mrs. Stafford1981-08-12