Total Drama World Tour - Season 1 Episode 13 I See London...

Total Drama World Tour
With only two teams remaining, the host takes the remaining contestants to London, England, where their goal is to capture "Jack the Ripper" (who is really Ezekiel in a costume) before he catches them. In the end, Duncan is caught by Courtney and Gwen with Jack being caught by Team Chris, giving Duncan a return on the latter team as a consolation for losing. Noah attempts to reveal Alejandro's true intentions, yet he is too late and instead gets eliminated as a result. In the end, Gwen and Duncan kiss, to which Tyler walks in on.
TitleTotal Drama World Tour - Season 1 Episode 13 I See London...
Genre, , ,
Cast, , , ,
Alternative TitlesTDWT, Défis extrêmes : La tournée mondiale, Total Drama, the Musical
Keyword, , ,
First Air DateJun 10, 2010
Last Air dateApr 24, 2011
Season1 Season
Episode26 Episode
Runtime22:30 minutes
IMDb: 8.11/ 10 by 47.00 users