The Comedy Factory (no known affiliation with the comedy club of the same name) was a live-action, scripted comedy series that ran during the summers of 1985 and 1986 on ABC in the United States and CTV in Canada (who also oversaw production). The show revolved around comedians and actors acting out scenes from television pilots that had been passed on previously by ABC. Further information on the show is scarce and nearly every episode of the show is presumed lost; only the premiere episode, "Honey, It's the Mayor," is known to survive in its entirety (uploaded to YouTube).
- 1. Honey, It's the Mayor1985-06-21
- 2. Side by Side1985-06-28
- 3. Harry and the Kids1985-07-05
- 4. Max and Me1985-07-12
- 5. Four in Love1985-07-18
- 6. The Second Time Around1985-07-25
- 7. It Takes Two1985-08-02
- 8. The Columnist1985-08-09
- 9. Fast Food1985-08-16