Premiering in 1976, Teleplay was a Canadian anthology series designed to spotlight emerging writing talent. The show presented a diverse range of stories, encompassing everything from conventional drama to offbeat and absurdist sketch comedy. Despite its short duration on air, it garnered positive reviews for its innovative storytelling and platform for up-and-coming writers. David Cronenberg directed the episode "The Italian Machine."
- 1. If Wishes Were Horses1976-10-28
- 2. Sam, Grace, Doug and the Dog1976-11-04
- 3. Overlaid1976-11-18
- 4. Friday Night Adventure1976-12-02
- 5. The Italian Machine1976-12-31
- 6. Quicksilver1976-12-09
- 7. I've Always Been Lucky1976-12-16
- 8. Flashes1976-12-23
- 10. Herringbone1977-01-06
- 11. Microdramas: Vignettes of Paranoia1977-01-13